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Posts posted by Iren1cuss

  1. 8 hours ago, Momofarang said:

    Man, obviously your are not a wine drinker. A modest Chilean "Casillero del Diablo" Cabernet Sauvignon sets you back 700 Bahts here.

    And I miss San Pedro de Atacama.

    Well, to be honest, I'm not a big drinker(I'm kind of a fitness nerd so I avoid it). But to be fair Chile does have some of the best wines, the Pisco is awesome too and would not change it for another type of liquor. I disagree with the barbecues though, as the meat, in general, is pretty bad here(if you want some real good barbecue you should go to Argentina, Chile is all about the seafood).  In terms of the scenery I wouldn't know, I lived my whole life in Santiago and only know a couple of places in Chile, I usually travel outside of the country in my spare time. I guess like everything in life it's a matter of taste, I prefer the tropical/beaches/jungle scenery.


    Regarding the retirement Visa, I still have a long way to go, as I'm in my early 30's. If I really want to stay in Thailand long term I'll look into the elite Visa option, meanwhile, I'll just use the 90 days I get with no visa every 6 months. 


    Thanks again to everyone for the replies. This thread changed some of my perception of this forum, as there were some really helpful and genuine responses. The feedback was mostly positive and insightful.

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