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Posts posted by LEonard

  1. Unfortunately the corruption within the Philippine government causes the Filipino to have to travel the world just to support their families, this opens them up to exploitation and abuse, this is sad. The only other people you see this with is the Mexicans by the Americans. Why just the other day many pinoy's lost their lives in a bombing in the country of Yemen. These poor people are mere cannon fodder for abusive employers all over the world, they should be able to stay in their own country (which they love) and earns living wage to support their families and survive on.

    But the Americans seem to use the country as a military base for unprovoked aggression against china, they care little about the people other brothels and strategic postering. I do not mean to go on a rant but this has been my observation, what the Philippines needs is a true filipina leader, one whose is all Filipino, not half Chinese. With a true sense of Filipino pride and nationalism, not ambitious opportunistic dreams of corruption and graft during their time in office. Rise up you mighty nation, for you can accomplish what you will, my heart goes out to the Philippine people, for the meek shall inherit the earth.

  2. I have a situation I hope someone can advise me on. I have a girl that lives in Chonburi who appears to have gotten married to an American who without a word left Thailand and abandoned her.

    I do believe that he lives in Japan. He never did bring her to the States, he never intended to, he only wanted to have a wife in Thailand to 'shack' with during his visits to Thailand.

    When he decides to come to Thailand he spends all of his time in go-go bars and does not stay with here. He returns to her at 7 or 8 am the next morning. He treats this girl very badly.

    Now I am attempting to consult a Thai lawyer on this matter.

    She has long since stopped loving him and wants a divorce, I am trying to help her with this but I have limited information.

    How can she get a divorce from this creep, and if I just file a I129-F here in the US will the US consolate be aware of her Thai marriage. We planned to get married in the US and deal with this Thai divorce situation as time goes on.

    Please Advise me.


  3. Hello Expats,

    I have visited Thailand 3 times in the last 4 years, and I am now convinced that it is where I want to work and live. I have been told that the only possible work that I can find there is as a teacher, is this true? I am a mechanical designer with 20 years experience, is it possible to find engineering work in Thailand?

    What amount of money should I have if I wanted to walk away from my carrer and start anew in Thailand? Any info I can get would be helpful.

    Also I have a legal issue there in Thailand concerning my girlfriend, are the lawyers honest there, I have had one say he could handle my case for 50,000 baht, to me that is a bit high of a cost, I think he smelled American that is why he quoted me so high.

    Please advise.


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