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Posts posted by deej

  1. FWIW

    From my memory approx 6 yrs ago, the Libs through the then Social Minster, the one who  adores behind,s????????????attempted to make changes to our Portable

    Pension,s but was BLOCKED in the Senate by LABOUR full stop.

    And status quao remains, to this point of time, IMO,with Labour  in power,  the runs are on the board, that no change is immediately forth coming and  from my observation, have seen no valid Govt,  link to immediate change


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  2. 22 minutes ago, Dante99 said:

    Oh come on, that is just foolishness.  There are a lot of other behavioral norms that must be met to gain the right to sit in a bar.  Just buying a drink does not qualify.  

    And may i asked, what are the Behavioral Norms, to gain the right to sit in a bar.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, CMBob said:

    Would presume that BB would notify you of whatever changes are in store.  My guess is your pension is not paid directly into KSK branch but into some central receiving account or bank in Bangkok.  You could stop by and ask the KSK branch but I'd guess they would not know as yet exactly what will happen....but it'll get sorted out in the next week or two.

    Mny Thks, CMBob, your reply is greatly appreciated,❤❤❤

    Apon checking my Australian Old Age Pension, is Transferred  from Centrelink direct to Bangkok Bank KSK branch

    as i reside 30 K,s from KSK, will wait to see how it pans out

  4. I have a Account and ATM card, with Bangkok Bank, at  KSK

    where my Australian old age pension  are transferred into, with KSK closing, will this service continue as normal.

    Mny thks in advance

  5. 14 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:



    Who knows, maybe they will do like the British system in the link I posted from another thread and just stop CPI increases to those outside of Australia for 183 days.  It's not kind, but kinder than a 32.5% hit.  







    Now  again,  without any evidence, u are bringing CPI Increase,s into your Scare Mongreling  campaign.

    Sadly u r in La La land????

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    There's a difference between tax avoidance and tax minimization.  Most on this forum would be "clean skins."  It's not about absconding from debt to the ATO. 


    It's also not about avoiding tax, it's bout minimizing tax, as seen in the Kerry Packer clip I posted. Minimizing tax is not a crime.  The ATO is just another bill to pay.  No one here is talking about fraud. 


    Minimizing tax is a hell of a lot more difficult to do when you want to be an Australian resident for taxation purposes, but don't live in Australia. 


    If the 183 day law comes in, it's impossible to request a review or appeal of your non resident tax bill because immigration records show Australian citizens as being outside of Australia, and for how long.  They have you on toast.  As a pensioner, IN MY OPINION, if pensions  are not exempt, your pension MAY simply decrease by 32.5%.  


    Yes, should the unthinkable happen and the 183 day law comes in, and is strictly enforced, with no exemptions, you, me, and the vast majority of retired expats will be knocked for 6. 


    Members were posting like the government gives a sh*t, or pensioners back home would be outraged and it would be in the papers and there would be riots and they would be burning the Australian flag in the streets.  ???? 


    The reality is, not the government, nor pensioners back home, and certainly not the tax payers, give a rat's a** if this comes in, and pensions are taxes as well.  


    Due to the geographical location we chose to live in, we are at the mercy of these new changes, and how they will be implemented, and it costs the government no votes, and nets them billions of dollars. 


    I posted the changes as a head up.  Do with the information as you please. 

    I  have,nt even got one tin buried, so i heavily rely on my  expats pension to live here, ETC  ETC, therefore   my pension,  what ever forthcoming changes should occur should remain status quao, BTW i have been a non resident for yrs and yrs

    And have been through the ropes with Centre Link perhaps 15 yrs or more ago, to retain my overseas pension,and touch wood  so far so good, and BTW only last month , my Medicare was given to me for another 5 yrs, again Touch Wood


  7. 9 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    No link for that comment.  


    If I posted a link, you wouldn't believe what's in the link anyway. 


    It's all "p*ss and wind. Bubbles and froth.  Bubbles and squeak. Farts and froth."  Right up until the part where it become law in Australia.  ????

    As i have posted perhaps a week ago, i,am a Clean Skin, my house is in order ( so to speak), i have paid all my dues to date ,therefore IF 

    any changes occurr  to my present Expat overseas pension  i certainly will be knocked for a Six, in my case (JMO) Status Quao will remain

  8. 23 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    I simply posted a link to the residency tax law changes and suggested it may impact all expats because the 183 day rule seems black and white.  


    Replies, such as yours were, "I'm on a pension.  It won't effect me."


    I suggested it may effect pensions, and because of that suggestion, I have been personally attacked.  Note I used the word "may."  I never used the word "will."  To date, no information has been posted to show pensions to expats WILL BE exempt.  


    Same question to you.  Read the links posted by myself, and others, and if you don't call that broke, what do you call broke?  





    Firstly your links ,are not Official Govt releases, all P#ss and Wind,  my reliable sourse,s, say  my epat old age pension, is presently not being effected by any forthcoming change,and not likely to be, despite your Marlarky post,s claiming it will be

    Perhap,s Oz maybe in debt, but not BROKE, as u again wrongly post ,and can trade their way out of the current  debt in due course????


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  9. 18 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    Once again, the last update to that document was 6 years ago. 


    Will you be relying on that document after the new changes come in?  ???? 



    Yes,  and other reliable source,s????in Oz.

    Certainly not you ,as  your contribition so far  on this topic, ( IMO) is  Cod,s Wallopp

    and that putting it, very politely to you????

    • Like 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    For everyone, zero, if / when the new changes come in.

    That is their personal business, not mine????

    As for your proposed changes coming in, absoulately no mention  anywhere, apart from your posts

    ( IMO) bordering on Trolling or Scare mongering????


  11. 37 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:

    Here's the website I think you wanted to quote previously.




    .gov, not .com.


    Here's a relevant 

    I won't say it, because I will be labeled a scaremonger or troll, so I will ask it.  How relevant do you think this document is to the proposed changes being discussed?  

    For me petsonally, absoulately  ZERO



  12. 33 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Agree, realistic comment, well said:


    - '...bigger fish to fry' TRUE!


    - If they did start an activity to monitor pensions that would probably mean large numbers of pensioners, also creating much upset, and the gov't would be severly criticized. So politically a strong negative. Also keeping mind that the additional tax revenue would not be that big (I suspect) therefore not worth causing angst and negative.   

    What caught my eye during my own research ,most major  changes to our portable pension,s Etc Etc over the last  20  yrs approx,

    it only applied to new Applicant,s , rest were left alone,  Or grand fathered in,so to speak.

    And from memory, the last major  change  was 2014.

    So all rest easy ????????????the odd,s are in our favour




  13. 15 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I'd suggest if - and it's a big IF - the s##t does hit the fan, many pensioners will be minimizing what the government can get its hands on. I know I will be.

    As Kerry Packer once famously said, anyone who doesn't minimize their tax needs their head read, because you guys don't spend it so well we should just give it to you.

    From my up to date , homework ,  on any change to  Our portable oversea,s pension being changed as being discussed on this thread, particular by one misinformed member, is all B/S , it remains Status Quo

    to this point of time, according to reliable sources , so to all,  relax  until any Govt announcement is forthcoming, which IMO 

    is  not in the immediate future or not at all, i expect the latter, and if i,am mistaken,  we will be Grandfathered in????




  14. 3 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    And you keep on and on and on with what's just become reptition and repetition and involving lots of assumptions.


    Please enough, lets wait and see.

    Scorecard , the member signed off, a couple hrs or so ago, on the topic , but is still posting,which IMO is all Froth and Wind information

    I agree ,wait til the Sh#t hit,s the  fan and take it,  from there????


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