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  1. thanks. I was wondering if that was the case. It sounds like if they cut off Skype and force everyone to use a new app all on the same day...sounds like a bit of a disaster. Hopefully I won't have any emergency calls in May and can ride out the confusion. It was also unclear (at least to me) if they are still going to offer the top off credit every $10. Get down to $1 credit and they auto top off another $10. Did you figure that out?
  2. I Lined my friend and he said: we were told the construction we saw near baan krating was still a couple of years from completion, not sure about the number of units. They are supposed to widen and improve the road. The place will be crazy 🤪, with one road. So maybe they have only put some backhoes in and clearing the land right now. His memory isn't the best but I'm sure he said last December it was going to be a Sheraton or Marriott. That's a real shame. A lot of people liked to walk around the Lake. How can they run out of money? How could they start the project without enough money budgeted. I know, stupid question. But isn't Phuket supposed to be a world class destination?
  3. I put Team on my iphone yesterday and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make a phone call. I signed in with my skype email. Is this just an announcement and not ready yet? I'm not super tech savvy, but I can usually figure things out like this. Thank you for any advise you can give me.
  4. One reason to keep a US Schwab account: If you have any other US credit cards, they usually require a US address, phone number and payment from a US checking account. I pay my US credit card electronically from my Schwab checking account. You got to think about everything before you make the move. Let us know how it goes.
  5. I have friends that stay every year at Baan Krating at the small beach past the Nai Harn Hotel. Very peaceful and quiet and a nice walk to Nai Harn Beach. This year (December 2024) they told us that they are building a huge, I think they said Marriott, hotel in between the Nai Harn and Baan Krating. Construction already started. They are keeping it quiet and unless you go past the Nai Harn you can't see it. But I can't imagine that no one hasn't noticed the construction vehicles going down that road, it's so small. Personally I don't go to Nai Harn until after Songkran and the rainy season starts. TOO MANY people. Anyway, they figure they have one more year at Baan Krating and they have to find some where else to stay. I just read the press release mentioned in one of the above posts. It says. Likewise, the heritage-rich streets of Phuket Town can be reached in just over 30 minutes, and Phuket International Airport is an hour’s drive away. hahaha. 30 minutes to Chalong Circle and 2-2.5 hours to the airport during high season. It is very very sad what they are doing to Rawai. It used to be a fun place to go to, now ugh.
  6. US Social Security.
  7. Hum, I've only read 2 pages of comments so far, but your response sounds like this whole new Teams is going to be Microsoft friendly and as a Mac / Apple user I may be doomed..... Just did an auto top off a few days ago. I lost a bunch of money on my top off when microsoft bought Skype and forced me to re-register, two accounts. major po'd back then. Now it sounds like I am in the same boat.
  8. yeah, I read this four times and didn't make sense. Once I see the word Portal everything goes South. I have a younger brother that is a bit more techy and himI thought I'd send the email to him and see if he can figure it out for me.
  9. I sent you a PM. Not comfortable giving banking info here. Hope you understand.
  10. I watched the video about 4 times. The Big Bike guy was driving way too fast. I see it every day in Phuket. I am amazed that I don't see more accidents. These big bike guys speed with the "pedal to the metal" weaving in and out of traffic without regard for other people on the road. You can go back and forth on the way Thais drive vs foreigners, but if someone / anyone is driving too fast with no consideration to the traffic flow then they are at fault. Not some guy that is trying to make a U-turn. It's a "I can do anything I want on holiday" mentality. Very sad that nothing can be done about it.
  11. With my account they gave me ZERO notice and I only found out because I couldn't use my ATM or Internet Banking. Went to the bank and said the US government changed it. Basically FU.
  12. Sorry, I didn't read all the responses, but my advise to to just wire the money to your BKK bank account. I had direct deposit for years with the requirement to physically take the money out every month until a friend said I could send the SS money to a regular savings with ATM. That worked for about 2-3 years until SS decided they were going to change it back to direct deposit. BKK didn't give me any warning so one day no ATM, no internet banking and no mobile banking with that account. It took about 2 months to get it straightened out. Now I have the SS money sent to my USA bank account and on the 3rd of the month I wire the money from my USA bank to BKK bank account that has ATM, Internet banking and mobile banking. I do it online and it takes about 3 minutes. Costs me about $15 a month. Money well worth spent with the convenience. In my humble opinion.
  13. WHAT!!??? The Traffic is gridlock already in Rawai! I don't even go there anymore it's so crowded now. How can that be!!??
  14. When I took a TELF course all English teachers were supposed to be from an English Speaking Country. USA, Canada, Australia, England / UK and South Africa. English speaking Filipinos/Filipinas could teach music, art and the like. As far as I know Ukraine and Russia are not English speaking countries. So the criteria has changed?
  15. I just looked up the starting price for a Mercedes coupe. Yep, just two of them would be more than the house. What gives with these guys. They want to run under the radar, but drive these ridiculous cars.
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