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Posts posted by somefacts

  1. Not sure where to start, except to say never believe what you read in the papers or on internet websites without really digging out facts yourself. I have done some direct digging

    I will try to stick to some simple facts here and will try to get more facts later. And I only now place this here because the shooter’s claims are being spread far and wide and other nonsense is being portrayed here as supposed fact and I thought it was time for a healthy dose of skepticism, if nothing else, since Daniel cannot defend himself at this point.

    I have known the victim for 4 years and have known his Thai significant-other nearly as long (as Thaimeup said, not a gold-digger) (among other things she worked for orphaned children even before she met Daniel) and I know dozens of others who knew him well and worked with him. Neither I nor any others I have spoken with have heard him claim to be Jesus or any other such nonsense. So forget about finding cult followers here or elsewhere. Not sure about his ancient past but would not tend to believe a 20+ yr old report by someone wanting a piece of his millions, that has not been substantiated since then.

    Daniel was independently wealthy and owned properties all over the world. He was an independent journalist who had done some work for CNN - I have seen some of his interviews personally. He was a minor film producer and did a documentary for the UN which I have seen. He has worked on numerous projects in conjunction with the UN, especially assisting children. He was a philanthropist and humanitarian, supporting many good causes. I could go on for another hour but suspect an official biography will soon appear anyway.

    If there were any chance that the shooter's story were true, I would say to give her sympathy, if it is outright fabrication then I would say perhaps reserve most of your sympathy for others who have been affected by her action. I have strong reason to believe it is utter fabrication and that she has had quite some time to plan what to say if caught.

    She is claiming that he attacked her and she got the gun from him and shot him (as already pointed out this is not likely as he worked out daily and was quite strong). Then instead of dropping the gun in revulsion and panic and running back into the restaurant to ask for help or simply collapsing after the adrenal rush was over she gets in her car and drives many kilometers to a spot on the river where she tosses the gun into the river. It is also unusual that her car was parked on the street across from the restaurant and not in the spacious and more secure parking lot right next to the restaurant where there was plenty of open parking that evening according to someone who was there. If Daniel attacked her it was thoughtful of him to have done it next to her car. On the other hand if she had coolly planned it, what better place for a quick getaway. Unfortunately for her someone had enough mental alertness to jump in his car and follow her.

    Next we come to her story of Daniel's abuses against her and the children. As someone pointed out recently on another TV thread there is no better way to permanently damage someone’s reputation than to accuse them of rape; throw child into the formula as well as woman beating and man have you ever created yourself a monster.

    Let’s look at some other interesting information. Jeanna has been arrested twice that I have heard of for child neglect. And according to some who have spent time with the children she herself has a history of mental instability and the children have reported being both mentally and physically abused by Jeanna but I can find no one who has ever heard them say anything against Daniel. I have also heard that Jeanna has tried to use this same story at least once before against someone else either in USA or Canada.

    Recently one of Daniel’s daughters from a previous marriage volunteered to care for the kids when Jeanna suddenly decided to take a one-year sabbatical from caring for them. Daniel has financially supported Jeanna and her children for decades despite the fact that they have never been married or supposedly never even been in a serious relationship.

    I’m tired and I have not even told half of what I have dug up. I am not saying 100% sure that I think this was premeditated murder, but I am saying that I would lean much more that way than believe her story.

    Two other points. I just realized that her two stories don’t fit together, though either one would tend to generate strong emotional support for her. One story makes you feel she had reason to go after him with a gun. But she is claiming he came after her and it was self-defense.

    One person I spoke with who knew Daniel said that several months ago Jeanna approached him using a false name and a false story of her association with Daniel in order to gain his confidence. Then proceeded to try to find out where Daniel was and when he would be back in Thailand. The main point is that he said that she lied perfectly and he had no sense that she was anything but what she claimed. Maybe she was not yet planning a murder, but why the false name and false story if it were an innocent enquiry?

    I would be very cautious, without some hard indication of her innocence, about contributing to some fund to get her out on bail because she has portrayed herself as the victim here. From there it would not be hard to flee the country. If someone else has information to support her claims let's hear it.

    There are still plenty of unanswered questions. If she did plan this for some time then why? I have heard one theory as to why, but will not post that here as it is not clear or solid enough yet. If she had gotten away with it, it seems that she would have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Was "30 pieces of silver" involved somehow as well? And whose silver? And again why?

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