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Posts posted by djuiiy

  1. Quote

    US, UK, Europe all well over 10% mortality. New York 20% +

    Back in March the TV showed young people collapsed and allegedly dieing in the streets of Italy. Was that going to be the new norm?
    No-one's seen anything like that in the UK. Th main thing that's happened is hospitals have taken all the elderly and morbid cases in other wards and moved them all into the covid ward. The other wards are unusually quiet or even empty, as hospitals are reluctant to take in new patients unless they are covid.
    Other than that there's nothing unusual wrt health here. Everyone seems well. The gov read out a bunch of big scary numbers every evening, but they don't correspond to what we're seeing on ground at all.


  2. Quote

    , what are they hoping to achieve, other than accelerating the collapse of the economy ?

    nothing. Collapsing the economy is the one and only goal. The western money changers ( bankers ) have been doing this for thousands of years, people should know about it and why it happens like they know ABC. Yet not 1 person in 100 can figure it out.
    All that happens is the economy stops, those in debt have to default on any agreements, small businesses fail. Then once enough of the market has died, the powerful western business groups buy up all the failed businesses they want. Bigger businesses with a lot of staff beg for loans from the government, and sometimes they get them, sometimes they are allowed to collapse, sometimes they agree to being bought out by bigger businesses.

    Absolutely trivial economics.

    The aftermath will be more western chain stores and western companies in the cities. Government will have to take loans from western banks which they will pay off by taxing the population more.

    Its been this way for hundreds of years. Even if went on for another 100,000 years, the vast majority of people wouldn't get it. Always distracted by the media decoy narrative which is tailored to distract and scare the people into compliance.

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  3. if this is a long term effect, which i believe it is, then it will be good for felang in Pattaya. Chinese make up a percentage of the big spenders in Bangkok along with the Koreans and Japanese that will blow 4K just on lady drinks and lap sits. With less lap sit business some of the high end women from thermae cafe and such places will drift to Pattaya. ????

    • Haha 2
  4. Quote

    " This story, including the shameful Thai court verdict, will run in almost every American newspaper and news channel, ten of millions of people will hear about this. These incidents are expensive for Thailand."

    potentially yes, but put in the context of the roaring year-on-year explosive growth of the thai tourism industry, and also that there's not really any better monger destinations that are both safe and cheap, its a drop of cold water on an inferno. It's not going to matter unless the number of incidents drastically increase. i.e. doing nothing about it this time is a viable option.

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