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Posts posted by Jayman

  1. 18 hours ago, gdgbb said:


    How do you expect to be able to "read what sentence that moron got and if the girl will be paralised for the rest of her life or not" when you cannot read the OP that confirms that she is not paralysed and that she wasn't raped?



    no she wasn't.. rather the assaulter took the opportunity to masturbate on her and sexually assult her while she was injured on the ground and then left her there till the next day.  Big difference to you than rape?


    Thanks for trying to make clarity on this... 

  2. So looking the way he is this is all just a joke to him. When are they actually going to do something about morons like this??

    Whoa! Hold on just a sec! From my previous life-experience even I know that there are two sides to every story, so why the immediate come down on this guy? Maybe he isn't the full-Baht these days, and acted like an idiot at the police station by playing up to the camera, or maybe he was happy because he feels he was in the right and has nothing to fear down at the police station?

    Or are we putting this guy down just because he is Thai, in keeping with the true Thai Visa forum tradition?

    No, he's being put down because he stabbed someone.

    • Like 2
  3. Why would any one keep a meat clever in his glove box? in case he will encounter a chunk of

    meat on the road? NO, anyone who dose that he's up to no good, and as for being an "Australian",

    sadly, the type of passport you carry don't mean shit when it come to your behavior and respect

    of local people...

    What a wasted space this person is

    A meat clever in the glove box cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

    How is that explained??

    I was going to cut up the buffalo I just hit?

    Send him back to the Middle Eastern country he originated in

    He is not Australian

    Where does it say he kept a meat cleaver i his glove box? It does say he removed the cleaver from a box in his car and that he owns a restaurant. Would that be too crazy for him to have recently bought said cleaver for his restaurant and that's why it was in a box in his car?

  4. On jan 11 of this year a young Thai man raped and killed a 19 year old Thai female and then killed 2 young children aged 6 and 2. To this day he still hasn't gone to trial for this crime.

    There is much talk of the Thai justice system taking action but I'm very surprised how fast this case was completed.

    Let's not forget that a death sentence in Thailand could still mean getting out after 10 years like was seen earlier this year in fact.

  5. The stamps can be used as cash to buy goods from 7/11. They can be used to pay in full or to supplement your cash during check out. No need to save them to buy 7/11 gear. They are 1thb and 3thb depending on the stamp value.

    • Like 1
  6. After about 8 pages I will try to explain what to do to "own" legal right for house and land.

    The right way is using usufruct on land.

    Let a thai buy it registered it as usufruct for lifetimes with you name in thai on the backside

    Make the thai to sign a paper, where she is unable to claim the land, borrow money in it and so on.

    He/she will not be able to go to the bank and borrow money on it.

    You has now a land and house for you lifetime. He/she will then get it when you die

    The laws

    Under Thai Law, the owner of a piece of land (immovable property) can grant the right of usufruct to another person, or many people, foreigners or not. The person receiving this right of usufruct is called usufructuary. The usufructuary can enjoy, use and possess the land for a limited period of time (maximum 30 years) or for his lifetime (even more than 30 years).

    Following a Supreme Court judgment, a usufruct agreement must be registered to be valid. And you

    can only register a usufruct contract on land having title deeds Nor Sor Sam or higher (like Chanote).

    You must register a usufruct agreement at the local land department.

    A usufruct is a real right. It means that it's attached to a thing, meaning the immovable property.

    Even if the owner of the land die, or if the land is sold, the usufructuary will keep his right to stay on this piece of land. Usufruct agreements are a very easy way to protect a foreigner married to a Thai spouse, in case something happens to her.

    This usufruct contract ends at when the usufructuary dies (if it's done for lifetime) or when the period of time is expired according to the contract.

    Sections 1417 to 1428 of the Thai Commercial and Civil Code are related to usufruct contract in T


    I have this very thing on my land. My name is listed in Thai on the chonote as the leinholder next to the land owner name (my wife). You must register this at the land office and pay taxes on the 30 year lease for it to be valid. You can then have a contact that allows you to extend or transfer the lease which gives you full control over the land and the structure and allows you to sell it when the time comes without changing the land holder name.
  7. Thread bump!

    Any changes in the waiting times to get the appointment? We are wondering if the 'surge' in aplications has abated with recent developments. We also have the option of doing the passport renewals at home in Udon so I will be checking if that is even easier before making the plan.



    I would say go do it in udon. We ended up doing ours there and it was very pain free. Got there in the afternoon. No lines. Was in and out in like 15 mins. Couldn't have been easier.
  8. My wife is a Thai national; I am a USA national. We live in each country roughly six months per year. But the difference in the way we are treated by each other's native country is night and day. My wife travels in and out of the USA on her Thai passport never needing a Visa. She can work, own property, own businesses, go to school, whatever. She is protected against overt discrimination and welcomed as a tax-paying, contributing part of society. But no matter how long we are married, nor how long we are in Thailand, I can never do any of those things. We are both college educated experienced professionals; but she is welcomed and wanted in my country, and I never will be in hers. Xenophobic or not, it's just plain dumb.

    Now you are just being plain misleading. Of course your wife needs a visa to the USA. They don't I just grant her access on a Thai passport without one. I suspect you applied for a sb1 or the likes based on her being the spouse of a U.S. citizen and then got get legal permanent residence (green card). Now this whole process takes several years to complete and lots of money in fees. If your wife status outside of the U.S.for extended periods of time without prior approval them she jeopardizes losing her status and more money and time is needed top sort it out.

    I know this for fact as my Thai wife wasn't allowed to travel to the U.S.as my spouse until we went through all this years ago.

    As for me, I easily get a 1 year visa that allows me to stay and work in Thailand (if I have a legal job) and that is quite easily (and cheaply) renewed every year for less than $60.

    You can come here and work, go to school, and own a business (100% American owned due to the treaty in place). The only thing you still can't do is own land under your name. You can own the building on the land and get a 30 year lease on the land that if done properly (and legally) gets your name on the land dead and gives you full control of the land ownership (my name is on my land deed and I also have a yellow tambien bahn

  9. Hi mate,

    The only agent I will ever use in Pattaya is Alan Bolton Real Estate. They were in charge of the rental of my last condo, then they sold it for me, and then negotiated the purchase of my next one.

    I have just listed another condo with them. Alan has been around for close on a million years, he is a gentleman, and all of his staff are professional to a tee. I would never personally deal with

    another agent, especially unknown to me. here is a link. http://www.pattaya-property.net/

    Call or email and ask for Toby or Steve.

    Aussie John

    I don't think Alan is still in Pattaya? I heard he has returned to UK, with someone else running the business here?

    East Coast Real Estate.

    I don't think I heard about them before, are they any good?

    Many agents in Pattaya specialize in condos, so if you're selling a house on the east side, you need to find an agent who is good in that area.

    Yes I'm specifically looking for agents that specialize in selling/renting houses on the dark side. I'll give Alan Bolton a call.

  10. For those of us that work offshore, whether we have Thai families or not, I really hope common sense prevails here and we are not classed as a visa "hopper" or working here in Thailand.

    Surely if we have contracts, visas for working outside of Thailand for 4 - 6 weeks at a time and a return ticket to go back to our country of work we should be granted entry on tourist visa for 28 days?????

    For those who are commenting of where we stay hotel or our own house, this should not even matter. We are all contributing to the economy one way or another.

    Tourist visas grant a 60 day stay. If you leave after 28 days only to return 4-6 weeks later then I don't see how you could be classified as a visa hopper.

  11. There are Amphoes all over the country. They are the district offices. In order to get a certified copy it would need to be done where your birth was registered.

    The Amphoe where your birth was registered is on your birth certificate.

    Contact info for Amphoes can be found here: http://www.amphoe.com/main.php

    My wife actually got hers from an Amphur in Chiang Mai even though she was born in Si Saket, and NVC accepted it. My wife's birth was never registered that I know of. They issued a document in Thai that I had translated into English and sent to NVC. This is what it says:

    This is to certify the Mrs. (First Name/Last Name) Thai Nationality aged (age) years was born on (BirthDate). Identification No. (Thai ID number) residing at (Chiang Mai Address) Father's name (Father's name) Thai nationality (Mother's name) Thai nationality born at (Full Address Amphur Tambon etc. in SiSaket)

    The District Office has examined the document, interrogated the applicant and the witnesses , it can be assured that Mrs. (First Name/Last Name) was born at the place above.

    NVC accepted this with no issues. Keep in mind everything MUST be an original when dealing with NVC.

    Well, I just tried to get a certificate of birthplace in this fashion at the local amphur, and got rejected. I have no idea how you guys pull some of this stuff off, I never have luck like that. Maybe yall have nice smiles or something. We are now compelled to go way out into the cut to get this document. My wife does not travel well on buses either - there goes another 6 or 7 thousand baht down the tubes for nothing.

    My wife was just rejected today at the Sakon Nakhon office. They said they only keep records for 10 years and then purge them. Sounds like complete BS to me. In any case, we are going to her local Amphoe office (also in Sakon Nakhon province) to try there since that is where her birth was actually registered.

  12. Why PM ? Is it a secret ? Maybe other people could be interested by a talented web designer in Pattaya if it really exists...

    He is very talented and not fly by night. Anyone interested can pm me and I'll share his contact details.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

  13. I know a talented and reasonably priced Web designer in pattaya speaks English. Shoot me a pm and I'll pass you his details.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  14. Just read over the thread and I agree that getting the modem into bridge mode is what you will need to do. I have no experience with the Thompson modems but I know that both cisco modems I got from true will support bridge mode.

    So is clear, when you put your modem into bridge mode you basically totem of all is routing capability and bridge your Internet connection directly to the next device in the chain.

    I should add that on both my Cisco modems once you put them into bridge mode they are no longer accessible on and instead you must connect to them on to configure them.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

  15. In this instance - the bikes finance company have informed me that it was uninsured for 3rd party risks apart from the all but useless government insurance scheme plus a straight forward 'theft' risk. The rider was not the owner.

    Accordingly, as per the police system for vehicle crashes, if I understand the explanation given to me today, it falls on the whoever is deemed responsible for causing the crash (or the motorbikes insurance company, or motorbikes owner) to pay for any damages, or some compromise that is agreeable to both parties officiated at in a meeting held normally at the local police station - whereupon with a satisfactory outcome, the vehicles are then released. The insurance companies will be involved in this process, but one should not rely entirely on whatever 3rd party insurance you may have to cover 3rd party damages. 3rd parties can reject the insurance company's payment and sue for substantial additional monies if they see fit.

    I'm rather surprised that a brand new and financed vehicle would be allowed to go without full insurance. I know that when we bought our PJS with financing they require full insurance until the vehicle financing is paid off. When you finance a vehicle the owner of the vehicle is the finance company until you pay it off so they want to make sure that in a situation like this they are not left with a totaled vehicle that insurance will not pay to fix.

    That said, I'd also be surprised that your insurance would not pay for your damages as long as you held a good policy on your truck. At the end of the day the loss of life is horrific. It's also too bad that other innocent parties are being effected by this. I hope you get it sorted.

  16. I've known him for several years as well and guarantee you he will be sadly missed. I won't go into speculation as to how this occurred. I am only saddened with the outcome of losing a friend. I only hope that others take warning of this event and remember to use precaution whenever possible. Life is so precious and can be extinguished in but a mere moment.

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  17. We went on April 17th thinking that maybe it wouldn't be so full given songkran. We were told when we got there that the que for the day was full by 530am and anyone showing up after 530am was out of luck. Now that we are no longer in Pattaya we'll just go to a less popular office to get the passport renewed.

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  18. Sorry I haven't read all the post But I have just been to Nakhon Sawan Visa office and asked for info on what's needed for extension of stay.

    Received two papers one for visa with 800th in bank and the other marriage to Thai wife, what needed for same is a follows.

    1 form TM7

    2 copy of passport usual pages.

    3 2/2 photo

    4 1,900bt.

    5 evidence of financial support.

    5/1 updated pass book usual 2/3 months showing 400,000/

    5/2 letter from bank confirming same.

    5/3 letter from embassy or consulate showing not less than 40.000 per month in the last 30day's.

    6 marriage paper.

    7 ID card wife.

    8 house registration wife.

    9 same for child.

    10 birth paper of child.

    11 4 different photo of family house.

    12 house map.

    That's it in a nut shell of three week's ago.

    Correct, only remember that the marriage paper consist of two papers namely Kor Ror 3 and 2 (Family Status Registration) and the Kor Ror 2 can't be older then 1 year.

    I believe this will be the case for all immigration offices.

    I use my original kor ror 2 which is 9 years old at the jomtien immigration and there have never been any complaints. I want to think that I've only been showing the document for the past 2 years as before that it wasn't on the list of requirements. Just the kor ror 3.

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

  19. Thanks for that delivery update TR. When you said 'in and out in an hour' that would be for the date in the appointment. How did the initial appointment making go? Early rise and wait in line?

    I guess it's go early and queue to make appointment.

    Go to appointment and expect to 'queue' a couple of hours waiting for the actual 15-20 minute processing.

    Then wait for the passport to turn up the following week.

    That's pretty much it. We went in at eleven am and they gave us a number and said be back at 2pm. We arrived an hour early but our number was called at 2 minutes past 2. We were done in 15 minutes.

    Guess it's the luck of the draw what day you show up. You showed at 11am and got an appt for 2pm while others claim to show at 7am and be turned away for the day.

    I too need to take my wife in for a renewal but there is no way either of us is going to camp out from 3am to get a que number. Showing up at 11am and coming back at 2pm would be perfect though.

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  20. I'm looking for a bit of advice here on 90 day reporting. I've been doing my 90 day reports at the Jomtien office for the past several years and I think I understand their policies fairly well. I've never encountered any issues with them there. Recently we made a move up to Sakon Nakhon and today was my first time dealing with their immigration office. I went in to do my 90 day report but was refused. They told me to come back in June. At first I thought he was confused and gave me wrong info. I asked him (in Thai) to explain it to me and I left with a clear understanding of what he believed to be correct. Since I will probably still be in Sakon Nakhon in June (when he told me to return) I am not too worried since he will be the one I come back to see and certainly he shouldn't tell me I'm late to report since he is the one to explain why I don't have to report till June.

    Now let me give you some details on my situation. I entered Thailand with a re-entry permit on Jan 11, 2014. My 1 year extension expires on Feb 10, 2014 so that is the exit stamp they gave me. I went into Jomtien immigration prior to the Feb 10 expiration with all my docs for a 1 year extension. They accepted my application and gave me 1 month stamp to return to get my further 11 month stamp after all comes back from Bangkok. Since I wasn't going to be in Pattaya on the day the 1 month stamp was up I asked the supervisor if I could come back a little late and she said that was no problem. Fast forward to March 18 when I turned back up at Jomtien immigration to get my 11 month stamp. All was approved and I was in/out with my new extension stamp good till Feb 10, 2015. Now, in years past, the 90 day report cycle did NOT start on this day but rather started on either the date of my last 90 day report or last entry to the Kingdom whichever was later. It is with this same logic that I went to do my 90 day report today at the Sakon immigration. I entered on Jan 11 and I went to report on March 3 (a week or so early). The immigration officer was convinced that my 90 days doesn't start till March 18 and told me to come back mid June. I'm fairly certain that if I turned up at the Jomtien immigration on June 15 they would make me pay the 2000thb late fine. Since I'm going to try and do the report here in Sakon I don't think it will be an issue since it's a small office and that same officer will probably be the one to handle my report.

    Just wondering what some of the other members think of this. Has Jomtien been calculating it wrong all these years or is the Sakon office a bit confused? If the confusion is with the Sakon office what would you recommend I do since they flat out refused to let me turn in my 90 day report form.

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