What if a foreigner living in Thailand for more than 15 years, father of 3 kids, lately his business collapsed and was not able to save this so-called 400k for 60 days, he went to apply for a non-o visa in Jakarta, the embassy there asked him to show the bank statement of 400k for 60 days!!!! or no visa to issue for him, this action spoiled his mind and turned him to abandon even to think to come here, and told his Mrs. go manage yourself with your Thai kids and let your govt racist law feed you and pay your daily expenses and pay the kids school, the family severely troubled now in the neck of the bottle,, this is a fact real-case example,, then he disappeared since 4 or 5 months ago, no more contact with his family here,
dual pricing is just an additional part to the advantages to profit from foreigners,, anything here designed to take advantageous profit to the extreme limit, regardless how many years and resources you spent here supporting their people, the day you can not show money, you are kicked out,, even this is an abuse of human rights for their own people to deprive them from their father, supporter,, etc,,
no security to live in this country without being wealthy and have enough extra $$$ to handle the situation, without money you will be kicked away,