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Everything posted by lexlam

  1. Frankly speaking, I don't consider Thai people as racist (generally), but the policies designed for foreigners does,, extremely meant to take advantage to the extreme edge,,
  2. The point of the topic,, why there is fairness,, and appropriate policy in place,, why these advantageous sarcastic matters always going on when comes to deal with foreigners,,, this is all what about,, A little example about visa extensions here, must keep 400k locked for 60 days,,, what is the idea about this??? Look at the same situation in a close country to Thailand : Malaysia, a friend of mine married to Malaysian lady, every 2 or 3 years get one extension, and just pay 150 RM = less than 2000 thb, and I am sure most other countries have something similar,, no such fussy requirements,
  3. Yeah,,, happy man,, haha ???? It's worthless,,, let the monkeys happy in the jungle without annoyed by foreigners, maybe we cause high pollution to the trees, animals, etc..
  4. Often we get such confused, mixed up and well mashed in the blender replies,,, bla bla bla,,,
  5. What if a foreigner living in Thailand for more than 15 years, father of 3 kids, lately his business collapsed and was not able to save this so-called 400k for 60 days, he went to apply for a non-o visa in Jakarta, the embassy there asked him to show the bank statement of 400k for 60 days!!!! or no visa to issue for him, this action spoiled his mind and turned him to abandon even to think to come here, and told his Mrs. go manage yourself with your Thai kids and let your govt racist law feed you and pay your daily expenses and pay the kids school, the family severely troubled now in the neck of the bottle,, this is a fact real-case example,, then he disappeared since 4 or 5 months ago, no more contact with his family here, dual pricing is just an additional part to the advantages to profit from foreigners,, anything here designed to take advantageous profit to the extreme limit, regardless how many years and resources you spent here supporting their people, the day you can not show money, you are kicked out,, even this is an abuse of human rights for their own people to deprive them from their father, supporter,, etc,, no security to live in this country without being wealthy and have enough extra $$$ to handle the situation, without money you will be kicked away, =================================
  6. Yeah can do,, many tricky ways,,, even my Thai friend offered to pay the entrance ticket for me, but I don't accept such things to humiliate myself for a such matter, it spoils the mood and makes you feel a stranger, the best is to ignore and throw it away,,
  7. Any policy/law designed to deal with foreigners here set to be a potential source of income and taking advantage in the extreme limit, not only park fees, look at the requirements to renew non-o visa, must have 400k and must be locked for 60 days,,, what is the philosophy beyond this?? to travel overseas,, must pay re-entry 1000, and so on,,,, it's a place to visit and runaway, not to live permanently,
  8. Thanks for the update! yeah, confirmed to ban going there
  9. Yes, it's worthless, certainly ugly racist to have such things anywhere in the world,,
  10. In the last time I visited KhaoYai was in 2016 as I remember that time when I surprised by the increase fees of 500 THB for foreigners,, and just 40 THB for Thais (as usual), I used to pay about 80 THB in the past years,, till that occasion then no more, some friends are asking me to join them,, if the entrance fees for foreigners more than 80 THB, it's worthless at all and make the racist feeling at the edge!, and why this happening? does a foreigner consume more oxygen? or make any pollution? or we need to go to carbon market and buy some credits? already been charging x2 is not enough? must x10 or more?? if any foreigners (farang) visited that place lately, please update about this,
  11. Yes, the destination is to the capital city phnom penh, As I remember in the past years, usually I pay 30$ cash at the airport, However, this evisa would be a good idea, could you share the link for this? Does this eVisa allow to pass by the land border or valid only for travelers by air? However, for land trip is just in case have some good experience, how many hours from Bkk to the border point? and how many hours from the border to the capital city? if any stressful burden then I will just book the flight, Thanks in advance!
  12. Hey guys, I used to travel to Cambodia several times, the last trip was in 2018, just pay 30$ on arrival at the airport for 30 days, heard about buses from Bangkok but never tried, we are planning to visit Cambodia how about the procedure after the covid-19, is there any new requirement? traveling to Cambodia procedure now as usual - before the covid19? How about the land boarder (bus) from Bangkok to Phnom-penh? any one experienced trip by both ways: airport/land to advice about traveling experience? thanks!
  13. We need to apply for a visa (tourist) to visit Vietnam, What are the requirements? fees, and how many days to process? Any advise or similar experience recently? Thanks
  14. Guys, all the shared topics and how to obtain a WP in the traditional way I knew it, Let me make this point clear, I read a topic in another Thai website about some kind of new or flexible rules, I will share the link, if the moderator allowed to post it: https://www.thephuketnews.com/new-work-permit-rules-confirmed-by-phuket-employment-office-chief-68463.php The topic about job: work as digital marketer, promote digital products, affiliate with several overseas digital marketing companies , I don't need to bother myself with such working jobs 9:00-17:00 with stressful traffic, just asking about if they have such flexible type of visa under some kind of license as freelancer (self-employed) I don't need the other type of the called digital nomads visa and its requirement,, i heard about it and is not related to me,
  15. Here is the case now: Foreigner married to a Thai woman, father of 3 kids, Current job (online) freelancer, doing translation services, simultaneous interpretation, web design, affiliate, digital marketing , and getting paid via bank transfer, PayPal, USDT (crypto), the monthly income varies, sometimes above 40k. sometimes lesser, I heard about a kind of independent WP for foreigners: which allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work in any field, anywhere in the country, for any employer as long as the work being done in not on the list of occupations prohibited to foreigners. I read about this few days ago in another news website, not sure if the admin will allow posting the link here or not? if yes, I will copy/past in the next reply, Anyone heard about this independent WP? or applied for it as a self-employed? possible the non-o (family) visa can be integrated with the WP visa? Will be highly appreciated if any idea, info or comment to share it here with the community, Thanks.
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