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Posts posted by ksoze

  1. Hey - what is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to obtain an extension with your visa - not for a year, only 3 months? I've been here since oct. 19 with my 60 day tourist visa and i'm about to make my third and last run but i'd like to stay in thailand for another 3 months after. someone told me to go to vientienne, laos and they will give me a 60 day tourist visa even though i'm already cashed out on days here in thailand? please, give me your thoughts..............................


  2. Okay, I have a couple of questions about a topic which has probably been beaten to death, but bear with me: VISAS........................................

    I have been in Chiang Mai since Oct. 19. I have made one border run and I am due for another on Jan. 14. If I were to leave Thailand on Jan. 14 in order to travel in Laos for 2 weeks, upon my return on let's say Jan. 28, does my stay in thailand become extended because my passport gets staMped on the 28th? And also I'm planning on visiting a friend in South Korea in February for the same amount of time. Is it 3 strikes, or stamps, and you're out or can you come and go as you please until 90 days are up?

    Also, I am thinking of teaching English in Chiang Mai when i have finished traveling. If I get the work permit to teach for six months and then I decide to quit, am I allowed to remain in thailand? how long do i have to 'vacate the premises'? can i start all over and do the visa runs for the 90 days?

    This is food for thought..............................................

  3. Okay, I'm going tomorrow by bus to Mae Sai and I will report when I return about the experience. I'm travelling with my girlfriend and someone had mentioned that sometimes the officer asks to see 10,000 baht......does that mean that my girlfriend and i each have to carry 10,000 baht in case the officer asks?

    Also, how much is the visa extension at Mae Sai?

    Is there a certain time the border opens / closes?

  4. Hey everybody. Anynone know just how difficult it is for an American to get a job in the Thai film industry? I was talking to a producer at Living Films, but I'm not sure if it will work out, so I want some advice. I just finished school and I love to travel and so I am moving to Chiang Mai in October.

    "Overthinking and overanalyzing separate the body from the mind, withering my intuition, leaving opportunity behind." -Maynard James Keenan

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