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Posts posted by ownlong

  1. In my experience you do start to get used to it, but if it's bothering you that much you may want to look at making a change. Ear plugs and noise canceling headphones can help, but sometimes you're at home relaxing and want to be able to hear too!

  2. Definitely look into a moving company if this is your first time doing it. Moving is a LOT of work and problems, at least minor ones, crop up all the time. a1autotransport.com is a good mover I've used (from the US but they operate around the world). Never a bad idea to weigh your options and contact a couple if you want to get the best price. some are much higher than others for whatever reason even if they're providing the same service. 


    13 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Oh please, enough of this already. Weed is less harmful than alcohol. It clearly has medicinal benefits. Some people like to get high. It clearly helps many if not most people relax. Take a valium. Smoke some weed. Who cares? Aren't there more important battles to be chosen?


    I like your view and agree wholly. There are more important hills to die on. 

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