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Posts posted by BJTM


    9 hours ago, Monomial said:

    BTW, for everyone who said don't try to homeschool or that there is little value in it, I appreciate your input, but I have already made up my mind this is what I am going to do. I am quite competent to teach them (my wife will do the Thai and Thai culture classes), and while I am not a professional teacher, I certainly have more credentials than 99% of anyone in Thailand. My daughter in particular is fascinated by science, to the point where we were discussing quantum mechanics and electron orbitals last night. This is a 9 year old. This is not an issue of the children being too ignorant, but the school and teachers being apathetic. If I am paying someone else, I expect them to do the teaching. Schools aren't supposed to be glorified baby sitters. If I am expected to do the teaching, I will, but see no reason to waste my children's time or pay a neglectful teacher/school in that case.


    Homeschooling is a much better option for me.


    Per my comment above why bother to register them if they aren't going to go back into the Thai system? Just get them international accreditation through external exams or put them into an international school for the final years. 


    Good luck. 

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