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Ginger Tea

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Posts posted by Ginger Tea

  1. I had O-A from London. On arrival in Thailand, I went to local Thai bank and showed them my 12 month visa and they gave me bank account. 

    Later towards the end of the visa, I got extension of stay (retirement) from Immigration. In subsequent years, when the rules were changed, I got medical insurance.


    So for me, O-A with subsequent extension of stay applications, works smoothly with Immigration. I keep 800,000 in the bank untouched.


    However the reason for this post is a Thai lady is asking for advice on behalf of a farang friend, who may later become her boyfriend. He is over 50 and is retired. At present, he is resident in US. He wants to apply for a visa and then get extension of stay (retirement)


    I have told her about O-A but people are always saying type O is better because you don’t need to show medical insurance to immigration when you apply for the extension of stay.


    However I thought type O was valid for 3 months only so when he arrives in Thailand he won’t be able to open a Thai bank account. As I understand it, you have show that you have 12 month visa. Yes, I know people can spend 2-3 days walking around town visiting all the different banks until they find a bank who give an account.


    If he doesn’t have a Thai bank account he can’t show Immigration he has had 800,000 in Thailand for at least two months.


    The alternative is of course to turn up on a tourist visa and then pay a visa company to sort it out with Immigration with a brown envelope but I would rather give him advice on the proper way to do things.


    Because I have not had problems with my O-A and subsequent applications I can lead a quiet life and I have lost touch, and have not read any posts, with this forum in a long long time. It used to be called ThaiVisa when I used to read it.


    i don’t know this man, but I would like to give proper advice to him. At present, I can’t see that the type O is the best option. Maybe you don’t need to show health insurance, but you won’t be able to open a bank account.


    Thank you for any helpful suggestions you can give me to pass on to him.



  2. An alternative to a local lady bar, would be to join a dating site like ThaiFriendly. Free to join, and you can send a free text every 10 minutes. Once you have made contact you can exchange Line IDs.


    During these difficult, financial days, Thai women seem to be looking for a “safe harbour” and so would be happy with older, even significantly, older men.


    Some of the women, particularly, if from the Pattaya area, probably work in local lady bars, while others start offering to do special massages. However, if you ignore them, there are plenty of women who are looking for an older man. Up to you whether you invite them to come to stay with you to see how you get along together.

    Of course, you need to be careful about what financial and family difficulties may be lurking in the background, but there are also plenty of decent women out there too.

    If you are not looking for marriage, or life long relationship, some of them may be interested in becoming your housekeeper/bed warmer for a monthly salary. BritManToo’s advice above is always worth listening to and following.

    As I said at the beginning, this is an alternative to the lady bar option.

    Good luck.

  3. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    Really? That was one of the most deranged posts I have read so far. Why do wish to stay with such bad people. Better you move back home if you believe they are so horrible.


    Then as for a loan. I do not know what kind of friends your personality attracts, but my friends. Thais or other foreigners, they understand what a loan means. I guess you have to try and socialize in better circles.

    I am pleased to hear that your times in Thailand are going well. I hope that it will always be like that for you.

  4. 1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

    Agree. Very odd. And the other poster above who cannot change anything at the atm for fear of someone peerig over his shoulder. Not sure how some people can leave the house.


    52 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    I know, It´s really sad to read. What I, for my life, can´t understand is why they year after year and day after day put themself in this horrible situation. If I felt that unsafe in a country, I would definitely move back home. Then again, the people we are referring to are probably also scared of there own shadow. That´s why they are out of options always looking over there own shoulder. ????:clap2:

    Yes and I put my hand over the atm panel so no one else, or a hidden camera, can read my PIN number.


    I have two SCB bank accounts. The older one, which I opened when I lived in South Thailand, is linked to my UK account. I transfer my UK money into that account. It also holds my 800,000 extension money. 

    When I moved further north into another province I had to open a second SCB account for the town I now live in. 

    On one occasion,3 or 4 years ago,  there was, for some reason, well over 175,000 in the second account. I withdrew 900 baht and the balance of 175,000, or whatever it was, was shown on screen.

    As I turned round to leave, having closed the screen, there was a young man looking intently at me. There was lot of unhappiness on his face and it was clear he had seen my balance on screen. I did not feel threatened, I never do in Thailand, but I took it at as a warning sign that I need to be more careful. I feel this even more now because of Covid-19; Thais, and indeed many farang, don’t have much money.


    Sometimes, you can see it in their eyes: “I am Thai, you are farang. You are in my country. You have money, I don’t. You should give some of your money to me.”


    And of course, if they know you, and if they think you have money, they will ask for a “loan” which of course becomes a gift. They ask other Thais for “loans” too.

    One of of my Thai friends, who has a farang boyfriend, and so presumably is regarded as “farang” by adoption, was asked for a “loan” of 100,000 because of serious financial problems. My Thai friend, using her own money, not her boyfriend’s, after much effort, lent her the money, but of course she never got the money back.


    Most Thai people are great, and I love living in Thailand, but ... and it is a big BUT, you have to be careful where money is concerned. Over the last few years, I have seen Thai women at their worst where money is concerned, and I am not talking about bar girls either. They tell such lies to get their hands on your money. On one occasion, I had to go to the local tourist police to report my Thai language teacher, but that is another long story.

    My ex Thai girlfriend lent 5000 to a fellow Thai school teacher. Of course she never got the money back. So it’s not just a farang problem.

    I don’t wear gold or smart clothes but go around in shorts and T shirts. And I am very careful about what is shown on public atm screens too.


    of course, if you have only one bank account, you can avoid showing the balance on the atm screen by using the “cardless atm“ system, but I have only a cheap Nokia phone and my IPad is wireless only, so I prefer my “tried and tested” system outlined above.

    I am glad to hear though, that both of you live carefree lives where money is concerned. I am happy in my life too, but I am very careful about my money details.

  5. I have an SCB account too.


    If I change the withdrawal limit, I do it on my internet SCB app. The app sends you a security code to the phone number you have registered with SCB. Once you have entered the code into your app, you can change the withdrawal limit.


    If you go into your local bank, and ask them to change the limit, you will need to show them your passport.


    I would be reluctant to change the limit on an atm, because it is too public; I don’t want people behind me in the queue, or nosey passers by, to see my bank details.

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  6. I have O-A visa. It is second year so bought before medical insurance requirements for O-As came in.


    I have been doing 90 day reports pre Coronavirus over the last  year without problems.


    My O-A runs out in August. Normally, I would go back to my home country for new visa. However in view of flight and quarantine problems. I have decided to stay in Thailand for another year.


    i have Pacific Cross medical insurance and 800,000 untouched in Thai bank. Just before O-A expires in August I plan to go to my local immigration office and apply for an extension of stay (retirement).


    My last 90 day report was due on 21st June. As I understand it, the 90 day report is granted automatically, without my physically attending the office to get the stamp in my passport.

    I have never used online reporting as I am not technically minded and anyway prefer to deal face to face with Immigration and get the stamp.


    My question: how long does this automatic cover by Immigration on 90 day reporting  go on for? Does it end, for instance on 31st July or should I be going to Immigration today or on Monday to get thelatest stamp? 


  7. 23 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    cremation over "body sent back home". Cremation is forbidden in Islam and I think Judaism but 

    in Islam it must be done quickly so a local burial would be proper. 


    Just get a will.



    On 6/8/2020 at 5:11 PM, orchis said:

    depends on your will and instructions


    On 6/8/2020 at 5:17 PM, hoxman said:

    As they say in Thailand "up to you"


    If coffin or cremation doesn’t appeal to you then you need to make sure you have drawn up legal instructions on what you want to happen next.


    There are alternatives:



















  8. I first came to Thailand in 2012 and have lived here pretty much full time since 2013.


    I feel very safe here, even when I used to walk home in the early morning. I have never had a problem with police. Have been stopped loads of time when doing checks for weapons and drugs. Always very polite never had the sense that they were going to plant anything on me.


    With the locals, mostly it’s ok, I feel, although I don’t speak Thai. I dress down in t shirt and shorts and no jewellery. I have two bank accounts with SCB. The one I draw money from in the street, never has more than 3 or 4 thousand baht in. In the past, I have noticed one or two insolent stares when I had larger amounts in, which they could see standing in the queue behind me. I didn’t feel in any danger, but now I just keep a small amount in it, and top it up with money from my other bank account when the need arises.


    However sometimes one or two Thai, when I am in conversation with them, look at me and I can see it in their eyes: “You have money; I have very little. You should give some of your money to me.” Again, I don’t feel anything bad is going to happen to me, but it is something I have noticed. Little things.


    These days, I no longer drink and I am usually home by 9 pm. 


    However, I do feel that I am living in a parallel universe when I read those two recent murder cases of the son who chopped his mum up and stored her body parts in the fridge, and the Thai couple, who were teachers, and who were brutally murdered in their own home. A lot of unpleasant and sinister stuff seems to be going on around us, which we only hear about when it hits the papers.


    I agree with the point made by Isaanbiker: all the replies here seem to by farang males. It would be interesting to hear what some of the ladies think e.g. Sheryl who always gives good answers. And of course Yinn, the Thai lady from Ranong. I always enjoy reading her robust comments. Do they feel safe here?

  9. I have to admit I’ve been in a similar situation, although not in a short time hotel, several times with different Thai women.


    I used to lived just on the outskirts of town. It was a holiday resort where everyone was watching everyone else. So when I was in town, I would rent a room at a small hotel at 800 baht a night. Both receptionists got to know me and eventually I would get a room for 700 baht.


    I would then find an agreeable woman to take back to the room. The receptionist would, by then, be in the room, where the safe was, with her back to the door watching television. So it was quite easy to sneak my lady friend in and then out again the next morning without anyone seeing. I never asked if it was ok. I am sure they all knew but so long as there was no trouble nobody cared.

    I wouldn’t claim to be a hot young stud or to know which buttons to push to get her going. And I have the kind of face that only a mother could love, and sadly, she died 20 years ago. But there were occasions when, nothing to do with me, the woman was only too keen to come back with me because she was “up for it”.


    There was one night, when, after I had rolled off her into a sweaty heap, she switched on the bedside lamp. We were both shocked by what we saw: dark reddish brown stains on the white bedsheets. They were deep and dark and weren’t going to rub out with hot water and bathroom soap, because we tried this first.


    Being a clean Thai lady she was very very embarrassed and I did all I could to reassure her that everything was ok and I wasn’t angry with her. I was panicking inside because I didn’t fancy explaining this to reception. I was always careful to make sure the next morning that the room was reasonably clean and tidy. I used the hotel two or three times a month over about two years. I didn’t want a reputation as a customer who caused trouble. I am also a very shy and private person, especially about sexual matters.


    On that occasion about 5 am I crept downstairs to where I knew the laundry basket was. As luck would have it there were some used sheets in there already, so I pulled one out and stuffed the soiled sheet in the basket. I ran back to the room with the “new” sheet and got her to put it on the bed. 

    We then checked out about 9 am as if nothing had happened.


    Now I admit that I felt pretty bad about this and felt I’d been cowardly. There was nothing to be proud of but I did my best in the circumstances.


    After that I would put a folded towel from the bathroom on the bed and got her to lie on it. Unfortunately, it was always a white towel. On one occasion, the same thing happened, stains on the towel.

    This time I got up early and went to a nearby laundry which I knew opened at 7:30 am and asked for an express cleaning service. The woman looked at the towel and asked about the stains. I just said that it had been the wrong time of the month for my lady friend. I thought that it was easier saying that than trying to explain that she had been highly sexually aroused and that in her excitement she had discharged some sort of feminine body fluid.


    Anyway, it came out in the wash and I was able to get back into the hotel without being seen carrying a towel and we were able to check out at midday without any problems.


    After that, I would bring my own beach towels which were a dark blue colour.


    On another occasion, at another hotel, I was chatting to the receptionist/manager over a coffee. She said that the maids had reported that in one of the rooms a farang and his Thai gf had gone out for breakfast. The maids weren’t happy that the couple had not warned them that the bedsheets were heavily stained.

    The receptionist was waiting for the couple to return. When they did turn up, she took the farang to one side and whispered in his ear and then put the dirty sheets in to his hands. He went bright pink but sheepishly took the sheets across the road to the laundry and paid for them to be cleaned.


    So I do feel sorry for the young couple who found themselves in a similar embarrassing position. Their problem was more difficult because it was a ‘short time’ hotel and so they didn’t have time to get the sheets cleaned at an outside laundry before checking out.


    I’m not sure what I would have done in that sort of situation; I have never been in a short time hotel. Being older and wiser I would like to think that I would have ‘manned up’, explained, and then offered to pay extra for the cleaning. I can’t believe I would just have checked out without saying or doing anything at all. 


    I certainly wouldn’t have thought of the ‘dead’ body in the sheets routine. That was pretty imaginative and so I can understand why the policeman found it funny especially with the maids cowering outside in the corridor.

    All’s well that ends well as they say. There’s nothing to see, move along, move along.



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