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Everything posted by jeanrem

  1. They should ask for 40k per people with a mandatory health insurance.
  2. I don't want to blame any communities here. There are good and bad everywhere. But a lot of guys coming from India or Middle East look at women same as wolves look at chickens... I mean all women, even the ones who are walking on the street with kids and husband. I don't like it very much...
  3. With all due respect, I don't know from where you come from, but where about money has to do with moral ? Why Thailand should deprive herself from a better deal with Russia ? Did Russia attack Thailand ? What about countries that make business with Saudi ? (as an example but not only...) ... Western countries should look at her own bump before watching at the bump on the back of others...
  4. The fastest people get it, the fastest we will reopen without any restriction. Look at Denmark...
  5. Anyway... who did care about those numbers... most countries explain those numbers were fake...bumped or whatever you wanna call them.
  6. Maybe because some others are doing things without questioning much.. I forgot labs need people in perfect health to survive..isn't it a business ? no for sure... Also, maybe because people take continuously something that does't work... I am wondering why everyone is not drinking beer with 0% alcohol... same taste, same everything but not drunk... I don't know if it would be working that much...
  7. Finally, common sense. The ones who are a bit more scared should take a weekly injection and let the other ones live their life. Done ????
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