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Everything posted by Ampy

  1. Ampy

    Physio Therapy 2024

    Thank you very much for the reply.
  2. After doing some searching here and visiting 2/3 places around town, all of which have been complete let downs. Can anyone recommend a decent Physio? The few i have tried seem to be one trick pony's, no matter what's wrong, they do the same treatment, one clicks your neck and nothing else, no matter what you try to explain the issue to be, one does a (admittedly) good sports deep tissue muscle, and one does, ultra sound and ice pack and nothing else no matter what the issue is. I need someone i can explain the problem to and get a diagnoses and treatment. Thanks in advance, if i sound salty i am getting frustrated just trying to find someone i can explain the issue to.
  3. UPDATE: Stayed away for 3 nights in the end, had a nice short break. Upon my return was asked, what i did in Thailand, how long was i going to stay, and where was i going next. Got my 45 day stamp. None of the 7-8 people in front of me got any questions.
  4. We want tourists! Looks thru passport, you was here last month, how long you stay this time???? if you come again within the next 12 months we ban you forever!!!
  5. I am coming to the end of my stay, I landed with a 60day TR visa from the uk and got a 30 day extension, which is coming to an end in a about 2 weeks. If I fly out just for a night or two, I am likely to get any trouble coming back in? As i have just done a TR60+30days... My last stamps were from Xmas when also did tr60+30days and left at the end of Feb '22 Asking as someone told me today the immo officers give you a hard time if you fly but not by land? Thanks for any input.
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