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Posts posted by Moonfruit

  1. Ill be on holiday in Phukt with the famliy for a week from 10th December.

    Currently have an 8.50am tee off booked at Blue Canyon if anybody would like to join, and am looking for buddies for a couple more games during the week.

    Let me know!


  2. 300THB, or if they were crap then the equivalent of the amount of the caddy fee.

    I gave 500THB the other week at Springfield but she was the best caddy i've ever had.

    Id still prefer to play without them though!

  3. What does this have to do with Thailand or anything else?

    Instead of blindly posting other news stories, why not do a little research and see what the experts predict?

    Like a newer version of the IP protocal that will handle much more than IPV4

    The V stands for version and with any device known to man, the versions roll on and on and on and on

    IPV5 is right around the corner so no one panic

    Its information, is it not?

    Now that i have been provded with this info, in this great forum, i will go away and do some research.

    I guess you want the answers as well as the questions eh.

  4. I may be a bit biased, as I know the owner of Hua Hin Finder personally.

    The reason that many companies use personal bank account like this, is because they are just being an intermediary.

    If you transfer money to their company bank account, then that will be seen by the revenue department (anywhere actually!) as revenue going to the company. It sound like this is not revenue going to the company however, but they will be passing it on to the owner of a house.

  5. Anybody got any idea how to get a handicap certificate when you are not a club member here?

    I track my handicap using Thaigolfer.com's online handicap tracking gizmo, but i'm off to Spain next month and all the courses there will require proof of handicap.

    Advice will be greatly received!

  6. I just love the look of the Camry above the competition.

    OK, it drives like a ball of wool, but its soooooo comfortable, and with a bit of a boy racer bodykit and some big wheels, tastefully done of course, it really looks the business.

    I was probably the only sub 30 year old guy in BKK driving one when the latest model came out!

    Now we moved to Singapore and i have the please of a Suzuki Swift!


  7. I took my BB in the swimming pool with me.

    Submerge it in a box of (uncooked obviously) rice for 48 hours, and it will be as good as new.

    When i was told about this method, i laughed in the guys face, only to eat a bunch of humble pie later on.

    Try it, If it doesn't work, ill personally buy you a beer.

  8. HSBC is very user friendly for those who are new to the concept of offshore banking, or just require a simple to use offshore account.

    I used to have an account with them myself.

    Tried to open another one with them recently, but their left arm didnt know what their right arm was doing to i told them to take a running jump.

    But overall, they do what it says on the tin. Slowly, expensively but they do it.

  9. All great and valuable comments from those guys above!

    Personally speaking, travelling through both Changi and Suvarnabhumi airports every week, i love the Changi experience, and loathe that of BKK. Going in or out of Changi takes less than 5 minutes. In BKK can take an hour at passport control. This is a huge point to consider if your hubby will be travelling a lot.

    For family life, Singapore wins hands down. We moved to Singapore from BKK for that exact reason. Your kids cannot play outside on their bikes in BKK. They can basically do nothing at all as a kid, unless you like somewhere in the suburbs as mentioned above. But that means a commute which could take you 30 mins to town or 3 hours. More in the rainy season.

    Ive lived in Thailand for 8 years, and as mentioned above moved to SG about 6 months ago for the family. I love Thailand for its uniqueness, and for sure it's more interesting, but as time goes on, i find myself trying to come up with reasons to keep coming here.

    And as a little snippet, in BKK, i never feel like a foreigner. But head out of the Orchard, East Coast, Novena expat belt in Singapore, and you will sure feel much more foreign than you do in BKK. I do anyway, being the only white guy in the 'heartland' malls.

  10. We have over 20 phones on AIS, over half with unlimited GRPS data connections for Blackberry.

    They are by far the cheapest mobile phone operators that i have come across.

    I have a contract with Starhub in Singapore who charge you for changing your underpants. I have a contract with Vodafone in UK who charge you for the paper you wipe with. At least you know where you stand with AIS, and its truly cheap as chips.

    My last bill was 17,000THB for the month. That was approaching probably 1GB of downloading data with push email, and an MSN Messenger online constantly on Blackberry, on roaming throughout Europe, not to mention god knows how many hours of calls.

    My normal bill is about 3,000TBH per month with 2 weeks spent roaming in Singapore with all that Data. I think AIS is great! My standing bill on my Singapore mobile is approaching that amount.

    No idea what True move are like as i have never used them, but if they are half as good as AIS then id say go with them!

  11. Unfortunate for tuktukmike.

    but at least he had the balls to give it a go, while a bunch of armchair warriors (mostly brits!) had a go at him for whatever reason!

    I for one hope his exports in the other direction are earning him a bunch of coin, while i hope also that the 'italian prat' is sitting at the side of the road pondering his italian machinery!

  12. To live a comparable life to that you would live in a big city in the west, i.e decent car, nice place to live, health insurance, a little saving, some small investments, life insurance, fuel costs, Cable TV, Internet, yearly holidays back home, a few new clothes every month, dining out once a week etc etc it cannot be done for less than 100K per month, and a lot more than that if you stay in a premium apartment in the center of town and want to drive any car which is not a grey Toyota. (I drive a grey Toyota by the way!)

    Of course you can survive on 20 or 30K per month or something, but that is not comparable living to a major city in the west. That is what some people want of course.

  13. 10% normally expected discount from the advertised rate, though if the place has been empty for a while then expect a little more.

    Of course, this being Thailand there are those anomaly cases where the owners will NOT negotiate at all, but then again you can just steer clear of those units. Also, expect less discount if you have a long list of changes/additions/improvements to the unit.

    There are particular buildings which enjoy full occupancy, even in todays market, and so they are obviously less willing to negotiate, and yes, many of those are in the Phrom Phong area.

    I love the way its always the guy who's 'friend' achieved the massive discount, while the person who actually rented a unit at a price they are happy with with is the civil tone.

  14. Owning a car is not a right, it is a privaledge.

    Im afraid i disagree with the TATA theory that everybody should be able to have a car.

    If everybody learned to ride a motorcycle properly before even being allowed behind the wheel of a car, it would make the roads a safer place in any country.

    In answer to the OP's question, the cheapest car in Thailand at the moment is the Proton Savvy (I believe!)

  15. True doesnt offer 'free' Wifi. It is supplied by somebody other than True, be it the Grren Wfif group or whoever.

    Also, Reimar, for the first time i think you may be wrong (i may be putting my foot in my mouth here!). You can still have an SSID of Linksys, doesnt matter who the ISP is which plugs into that router. My SSID at home is Umper_Lumper, but its still from True!

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