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  1. Cops are under more scrutiny with social media so now they just dont bother patrolling the streets for offenses as no monetary incentive for them. Then once a week they do big vehicle checkpoints to ensure their ticket statistics keep to the required level
  2. Problem i have as ex military we paid into the pot serving in any country the government saw fit to start a war with or we were posted to. Now many want to live overseas and live out retirement years in the sun and they are accused of being thieves. If we weren’t allowed to live overseas then shouldn’t have been getting charged same national insurance while we were out of the country
  3. Police laziness, hard for the public to know what is and what isnt an emergency vehicle at night when any moron can attach blues and twos to their vehicle and drive around, personally saw two food delivery drivers using them the other evening
  4. Are the people who invested that dumb? Pyramid schemes are hardly a new thing, they were happy at the idea of becoming rich at the expense of the people they were planning to enroll/dupe. Only started to complain when they discovered they weren’t high enough in the pyramid to profit
  5. Can get harassed for money by thai beggars?
  6. They have bigger issues with beach cleanliness than a bit of pee, get a grip of all the filth flowing into the bay from the city drains after every bit rain, if you are not providing adequate toilet facilities then what do they expect to happen? Business toilets are for customers only and they shouldn’t be expected to cover for local governments negligence
  7. They have bigger issues with beach cleanliness than a bit of pee, get a grip of all the filth flowing into the bay from the city drains after every bit rain, if you are not providing adequate toilet facilities then what do they expect to happen? Business toilets are for customers only and they shouldn’t be expected to cover for local governments negligence
  8. They have bigger issues with beach cleanliness than a bit of pee, get a grip of all the filth flowing into the bay from the city drains after every bit rain, if you are not providing adequate toilet facilities then what do they expect to happen? Business toilets are for customers only and they shouldn’t be expected to cover for local governments negligence
  9. So you need to spend money you may not have purchasing a smart phone and monthly phone credit, screwed if battery dies or their is a power cut, then have to contend with tech savvy gangs and individuals trying to hack your account and empty your account
  10. Sparks debate….. but nothing else will happen
  11. Decent paving is a waste of time as soon ad its nice and flat a food vendor will set up and force you to walk on the road
  12. This is not a sudden change in policy its been in place for decades, tou chose Thailand as a retirement destination so stop moaning about it now because you failed to take it into account. If you want the pension increases then move to Philippines
  13. William pushed his 15 seconds of fame , got mentioned more than the girls who were making the complaint, hardly newsworthy
  14. Viet jet will not be prosecuting the woman? If the threat was enough to involve the authorities and activate emergency procedures and possibly causing distress to all the passengers then action should most definitely have been taken if not by the airline then the respective air authorities. She made the threat and is immediately allowed on another aircraft. Id make her travel back by either road or sea as a lesson. Cant mess about with bomb word in this day and age
  15. If they refuse to blow what makes them think making them urinate will be easier, police can’t take blood so will need to be done in a hospital environment and i bet they haven’t even spoken to the health ministry to see where they stand legally under current thai laws

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