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  1. Little said about how this dodgy dealing was made possible and the government officials who made it possible, jail time and confiscation of property of anyone found guilty of corruption at the land office so the demolition is not at public expense
  2. So are we to expect another bombing campaign like in 2015 when they did the same type of deportations and several bombs were detonated in Thailand including the erawan shrine bomb which left 20 dead and 125 injured... thai government has the memory of a goldfish
  3. What's a good and bad tourist? You build a city like pattaya on the back of booze and prostitution then moan when the tourists that arrive are seeking just that, every other shop is a bar, weed shop or indian restaurant. If you want "quality tourists" then clean up the city to make it less appealing, but remember people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, clean up the brown mafia, clean the beaches, stop long term scams like the jet skis, stop building until you have adequate drainage to prevent flooding
  4. Had marriage visa for 15 yrs and the push by immigration to use an agency is getting ridiculous creating visa problems in order to push you to an agent who can then fix the problem for a fee... if the problem is serious enough to prevent a visa application/extension then it shouldn't be fixable for an agent. I get some people don't like dealing with immigration (me included) and prefer to get their documents and let someone else deal with the rest. But many of these agencies are openly advertising that they can make fraudulent bank transactions if you don't have the required funds,11and senior police officials are at best negligent and risking the countries security or at worse profiting from it. Learning nothing from the Erawan bombing few years back
  5. Thailand should just set up a GoFundMe account so tourists can send money without ever visiting the country. Seriously if you want to be an international tourist destination then you have to take the good with the bad. Another police crackdown..... for gods sake if you want to make the country safer just do your job on a daily basis instead of ignoring the small problems until the media get hold of a story and you are forced to step in and be seen doing something ( another crackdown)
  6. More the fact that organisations such as tourism authority thailand don't advertise these non alcohol holidays to potential visitors so they can make an informed decision about their holiday destination, elections last weekend and Buddhist holidays this week can put a dampner on a 2 week holiday,
  7. Three foreigners ! How many thai motorcyclists? These headlines are infuriating if you are going to write a story then give the full details so it doesn't look like the police are racist and targeting foreigners
  8. There is growing movement here in Thailand claiming asian workers from neighbouring countries such as Myanmar are stealing thai jobs (not protected employment just the usual stuff like laborers, factory workers). Truth is all these employers would much rather employ thai workers and avoid dealing with immigration and various government agencies (protection racquets) but they know from experience that thai workers are unreliable in comparison
  9. In this day and age of technology how is an fbi fugitive able to travel and enter 🇹🇭,
  10. Let's see how much effort the thai authorities make into getting him extradited from his home country to face charges here, think he should be brought back but how can they bring a foreigner back when several influential thai citizens are still on the run or have just returned and basically avoided justice
  11. Nothing will come of it unless the press and media get involved and run his story, then panic begins to set in with the police higher ups about their potential involvement in the drama and then other similar stories start popping up, when the bosses are moved to inactive posts their is not additional money to be made and promotion might never happen
  12. This idiot is signing his dogs death warrant, how long before a bag of poisoned meat is thrown over his garden wall all because he can't exercise his dogs responsibly
  13. Found in possession, don't need a licence to sell unless they were actually caught selling or attempting to sell
  14. After the new police commissioner’s statement yesterday he must be starting to realize that he is fighting a losing battle to clean up the RTP, pull it all down and start from scratch is his only chance of achieving that
  15. House hold debt will be significantly higher than 89.6% large amount of borrowing is with unregulated loan sharks who dont report their lending figures
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