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Posts posted by marf

  1. You'll need one with the right bands used by the Canadian network. If it's a basic Xiaomi phone, then it likely won't have all the right bands. Some models of higher end Xiaomi phones have both dual SIM and multi bands.

    You can see which bands are provided using www.gsmarena.com to check the phone model

  2. 6 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Lazada has a big selection of them. It does have a built-in PM meter, not connected to the web. I got one as well, works fine.

    Doesn't that mean it's reading the indoor AQI, not the outdoor?

  3. On 12/6/2019 at 5:15 AM, johng said:

    Nice and cool this morning in Jomtien.


    Where do you come by one of those, looks like one of those home soldered kits available on eBay, but the display is pretty fancy. What's the sensors on it, obviously the PM indexes are collected from a nearby monitoring station through the web, but does it have a local temperature/humidity sensor?

  4. They could easily be not concerned and just tell you not to do it again. Or they could easily stick you in an immigration cell with thirty other lawbreakers until they can have you deported at your expense and banned from the country. Guess it depends on the mood of the person who catches you. However, you won't know until it happens.


    I guess you've already decided to take the risk - just so as you know that all of the above can happen.

  5. A friend of mine taught English in Thailand. His experience.


    - Salary 35,000 for 40 hours a week in a private school. That's $1,150/month

    - Hours 0700-1600 with an hour for lunch, five hours classes per day and three for office hours

    - Must create and plan own lessons, plus prepare own materials (had to file a written plan in the record) and give and mark homework, he says about one to two hours on top of the office hours

    - Yelled at by Director if even slightly late and must stay until the end of the day watching the clock

    - Spent most of his time dealing with bad behaviour compared with teaching

    - Most students have no interest whatsoever, but he was told that he can't fail them

    - Paid holidays according to Thai public holidays plus 14 days


    Gave up and went to China where he's now getting RMB  18,000 for 20 hours (4h x 5) classroom only in a university, which is about $2,600/month.

    • Like 1
  6. Lets clear up this 'not Pakistani' nonsense right now.

    Persons who or any of their parents or grand parents were born in the territories now included in Pakistan before the commencement of citizenship Act, 1951 are citizens of Pakistan."

    "Children of Pakistanis who are born outside of Pakistan are citizens by descent. If the parent of such child is a citizen by descent himself/herself (as born outside of Pakistan) the child is required to be registered in the nearest consulate or Pakistani mission."




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    • Thanks 1
  7. On 11/23/2019 at 4:20 AM, alex8912 said:

    Have you discussed any sick buffalos or family members yet? If she answered yes, a two week return ticket should be just fine. 

    She is living in Bangkok, so I don't imagine she has any buffalos there, not sure why she would? She has a professional job. Have not discussed any family members either.


    Is there something I should know?

  8. 17 hours ago, Caine said:

    Just book a flight that suits you. You will more than likely find the girl is a gold digger they are usually married no job and a couple of kids. Their so called husbands are happy to comply just to bring in money. They are 10 a penny in Thailand’s. Don’t be a mug. 

    Being Thailand and the reason why many foreigners go there being obvious, your point is well made, but do not worry.


    The thing that she does as a job means she is very much searchable on the web and the results (with matching photos) indicate that she is genuine and none of the usual red flags are evident...


    But your concern is very much appreciated... ????

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  9. For a few months now, I have been speaking to a girl in Bangkok online. She works as a teacher in a university. I plan to take a trip to Thailand and visit her. Approximately two weeks should do it, but what if I want to stay longer/shorter depending on how things go? I have heard that open dated tickets are expensive, and two singles are very much more expensive than a standard economy return with fixed out/return dates. How expensive approximately is it to amend the date after booking? Never done this before...


    And how about entry permission? I understand that I can come visa exempt, but this requires a return flight - with a fixed date(?) and limits me to 30 days. Is there any issue with back-to-back visa exempts if need to be longer? I understand these cannot be extended.


    Any other advice?

  10. 5 hours ago, VBF said:

    The OP hasn't stated his age but it MIGHT be worth considering if the NI contributions are still worthwhile for him.


    Let me explain: 

    I worked overseas for several stints in the eighties and nineties and "noughties" and always kept my contributions up to date.

    I'm now 64, retired  and I shall get my State pension at 66 NOT 65 as I was always promised. Annoying, but I will still get a good pension albeit a year later than I originally anticipated so keeping my contributions up WAS worthwhile.


    Now, here's the thing: pension age is slipping all the time; I have "lost" a year but a man now aged 34 (born 1985) won't get it until he's 68

    Work it out here https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-age - also see https://www.gov.uk/government/news/proposed-new-timetable-for-state-pension-age-increases 


    As of today, these figures still make it look worthwhile however, this is apparently "under review" (see the second link) so in the intervening years, the rules might change to push your pension age up even more. Then again they might not but who knows?


    So it MIGHT be worth considering a private pension INSTEAD of making NI contributions....obviously doing both might be better still.

    I'm most definitely not advising you @marf ...just offering food for thought. Good Luck.

    In late thirties. But still keeping my options open.


    Also, how much work and NI contributions count as a year for contributions purposes? Obviously if you work just one week in the year (and don't claim benefits) you won't get it, but surely you don't have to contribute something every single week of the year to count?


    Mostly have worked hard when needed to and have been above the asset threshold to claim out of work benefits.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Pravda said:

    I used to lolz at people coming to Canada expecting to find a job in 7 days while in reality it takes years, yet Farang expects a Thai to give him a job in IT?


    Man, just go on expat facebook at look at all the "recruiters" flashing their TIT enticing Indians to send them a resume with is obviously some boiler room scam on commission and no work permit.


    You only get a good job in Thailand if your company transfers you. Everything else kiss it goodbye.


    English gig by comparison if you have a degree is actually a godsent.




    Yes, I'm aware of this, which is why I was asking what other options are there, although I did suspect as much.

  12. Can you teach? Yes, I have been teaching various IT courses for about a decade...
    How many years experience have you got? See above, no actual English classes other than online IELTS students...
    Is your TEFL qualification recognised? I'd imagine so, according to their website they are?
    Who issued it? Global TEFL https://www.globaltefl.uk.com/150-hour-tefl-online
    How long did the course last? 150 hours.
    How many contact hours did it include? If by which you mean in front of class time, it was entirely online...
    Have you sorted out your police clearance certificate? I have a DBS from Disclosure Scotland.

  13. 16 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    What do you train?


    Have a look here:




    Position:                      IT Admin

    Job Type:                    Permanent

    Location:                     Pathumwan, Bangkok

    Salary Range:             20,000 - 28,000 THB 

    Benefit:                       Group insurance, Bonus, provident fund, etc.

    I've also done IT administration. Looks like a teaching gig would be better...

  14. I trained Microsoft networking, infrastructure and security courses and basic software devolopment. As an example - Boss: 'next week you'll need to deliver this course on C# programming' Me: 'I've no Idea about C#'. Boss: There's the book, there's the syllabus...


    Also specialist software packages - essentially the company (a different one) would give me their bespoke software package and I'd have to learn it, write a manual/training package and deliver it to the staff of clients who'd purchased it...

    Looking at that link I guess I'll have to pick up software development, but I'm sure that Thai employers are not going to consider anyone with only the theoretical knowledge and no experience...

    • Haha 1
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