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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Why not use the present, initial, digit on Mobile 'phones? At the moment every 10 Digit Mobile Number starts with "0" - 081, 087 for example, followed by another 7 digits - make the new numbers 181, then 281 etc. etc. - there would be literally millions of new Numbers available then.


    this solution is too smart,impossible to explain this to "them"

    This solution is not viable which would be impossible to explain to "you"

    Some of us work in telecom and understand the restrictions that exist in the use of certain numbers and digit patterns.

    Others make some proposals that, at first blush, might make perfect sense...but are not really workable.

    There is nothing wrong with that, but I do get a laugh when non-telco people throw out a suggestion, then state that the people working in telecom are not smart enough to figure it out.

  2. Newbies should realise that those members who have posted a lot have read zillions of topics and replies and over a period have built up a lot of information within their grey cells and will hope to pass that info on. thumbsup.gif

    Take me for instance, if you are rebuilding a Pontiac V8 engine, I am your man.............laugh.png

    Oh crap....not the Chevy vs Pontiac V8 holy wars wink.png

  3. So, for a foreigner wishing to live in Thailand; if you have a substantial pension then you are welcome in the country, but if you are married to a Thai national you are only condoned, until your money runs out.

    I disagree...I am currently on extension of stay based on marriage. My requirement is 40000 THB/month or 400,000 THB on deposit for at least 90 days.

    As the rules sit now, when I retire (another 10 - 15 years) I will continue doing extensions based on marriage. My "pension" will more than cover the income requirements for either extension basis.

    I do not mind the extra effort required for the extension based on marriage...I think some people tend to exaggerate the hardship.

  4. I see members who have 10.000 posts on their account. Did they ever see something of Thailand or only their computerscreen?

    Also those old members like to react like: Oh there we go again, Oh no not again, if they really think that way then they spent far too much time behind the pc! Get a life!

    If you hang around here long enough, you will find out why they say that. It is because there are about 30 topics that seem to repeat themselves ad infinitum. So once you've read the 'my GF did me wrong' story for the 241st time, it gets a bit exasperating.

    But still we keep responding to those repeated topics...myself included, at times.

    Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously, I think. Yes, repeated topics get a bit annoying, but it is also not the easiest thing to slog through years of archives, looking for that bit of information about a particular visa on is trying to obtain, for example.

    Not many people are connecting via 4800 baud modem anymore...it is easy to bypass those topics that are not of interest.

    There are some long-time members here who have become the recognized experts on particular topics. The best of those always step in to answer what appear to be legitimate requests, without raising a fuss about "this has been done before". And they are quick to correct wrong or outdated information that is given, in a factual way, without making a big fuss about someone making an error.

    Those individuals have helped me out more than once on a few different things.

    • Like 1
  5. They could start with getting rid of the annoying zero.

    The leading zero is a steering digit to indicate the following string is a number in national format.

    True enough, some countries seem to get along fine without using a steering digit for national numbers.

    A lot of it is historical, how the number plans were developed inside each country, and how that fits into the worldwide jumble of numbers.

    • Like 2
  6. I left my card in an ATM a few years ago in Phra Khanong. As I could not be sure if the machine ate it or someone grabbed it, I called my bank and cancelled it, and ordered a new card.

    I am not sure about the comments about cancelling an ATM card being difficult. I took me one quick phone call.

    Getting the new card to me in Thailand was a bit more difficult. My bank would not send it here, no way. I ended up sending it to my home address in USA and having a friend retrieve it and send it on to me here.


    Then I wonder why I never see westerners pointing at Thais shouting khun khun?

    Please enlighten me as to why?

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    I can only speak for myself.


    I usually do not use "khun" unless I have a name to go with it.


    As to why there are not a bunch of farang running around shouting "khun khun"...maybe they are being rude and saying "you you".


    Go right on ahead being offended...it must be miserable way to go through life, looking for offense at every turn.


    I never go around looking for offense at any turn.

    I do however, call em like I see em. Thats because I have integrity and am concerned just as much about people being rude due to their own ignorance as much as I am about being offended by said rudeness.


    Unfortunately the same can not be said for Thai apologists. They are self loathing creatures with a skewed WORLD view and very low self-esteem.Posted Image


    You "call em like I see em". That is fine, I do the same.


    You are offended by "you...you", I am not.


    That does not make me an apologist for anyone.


    The ones with the skewed world view are those who look for offense at every turn, and think the world should change to fit their view.


    As far as self-esteem, it is those with so-called low self esteem that seek to blame their hurt feelings on everyone else, instead of looking inside.


    My self-esteem is just fine. I know who I am.


    Perhaps you don't know the difference between being offended and pointing out insulting behavior.


    I have to actually CARE about someone in order to be offended. I could give a rats about fools on the street who display their ignorance so blatantly.


    Judging from your posts; I'm pretty sure you don't know who you are. Might I suggest a month in a sanitarium?

    Surely, I know the difference.

    If you do not care, therefore are not insulted, why do you feel the need to point it out?

    Whether some behavior is 'insulting' is subjective, to each individual. You seem to have a hard time with that concept.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. ok, here´s the interesting follow-up:


    last evening i was lying in my bungalow and i could hear a conversation outside. my neighbor talked to a guy about his accident breaking through the planks of his porch!!!

    of course i went outside and talked to the guy.

    he stayed at my bungalow and had exactly the same accident about 24h before me!!!

    the big difference was, he was running fast while breaking in the hole.

    his wound at the knee is about three times the size of mine and he got 4 stitches at the hospital. paid 6000 baht bill and takes now a lot of medicine. it looked really really bad!

    when he complained about the accident to the staff, he got loud and upset (not a good idea) which lead basically to nothing.

    later, he told me, the staff at the resort where laughing about him and his accident (this was his interpretation of "something" that happened).

    he paid already about 10 days in advance, so is kinda stuck here.



    this morning i was drinking my coffee and writing at the restaurant, when the manager approached me and asked for my bungalow-number. he took the first step, nice gesture.

    he told me that he´s sorry and that there is nothing he could do about it. he told me that he can´t refund money and that his resort is a small family business. he said the situation would be different in a 5000 baht per night resort.

    i agreed with him and said, it would be a nice gesture, if he invites me for a free breakfast or something.

    he agreed. i got my big breakfast for free (it was good) and during the whole conversation, we both smiled and were friendly.

    handshakes at the end. the staff serving the breakfast were also very friendly saying sorry too and to be honest, it´s all good for me now!

    maybe it´s not about what you do, it´s more a question of how you do it.


    i feel really sorry for the other guy, he got it really bad.


    of course it´s kinda flabbergasting to me, that the same accident happens again after 24h. they didn´t really take precautions after the first one...


    400 baht for 5 nights? i thought the 90s are over...


    ps: "catweazle" is the name of a funny tv-show i used to watch as a child. just brings back some good memories. although it can´t and doesn´t want to compete with the coolness of the nickname "streetcowboy".Posted Image 


    You handled that just right. You let the manager approach you rather then chasing him down and start demanding compensation. You made a reasonable suggestion of something he could do to square things up.

    The manager saved face by being able to 'take care' of you without causing a financial hardship to the business. You saved face (truly, probably gained) by making a reasonable request and by behaving in a calm manner.

    Now the manager is your friend and you are on good terms with the staff. Your remaining stay will be pleasant and friendly.

    And you did not experience the stress and rise in blood pressure associated with the confrontational, in-your-face approach that so many Westerners seem to think is required.

    Well done

    I see two lessons here:

    1. Someone does not have to pay (read: ridiculous amounts of cash) whenever something bad happens. Sometime it is a case of 'shit happens'.

    2. Westerners can pooh-pooh the concept of 'saving face', but it is a reality in this part of the world, and needs to be taken into consideration. If we are honest with ourselves, the concept of 'saving face' exists in all cultures, to varying degrees.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. At Lucky (?) hotel in BKK suk soi 3, when checking in the lady looked at every page and checked my visa carefully, I think she may get a reward for catching overstay, On Samui, checking in the receptioist looked at my arrival card date and said oh your visa expired !!! I had to explain to her that is my arrival not visa.

    Similar experience at the Silom Regent hotel my wife and I stayed at recently - first and last time.

    Receptionist was clearly unhappy at seeing a farang with a Thai wife (I can pick up these vibes pretty easily!) and became overly officious when examining my passport, just repeating over and over "where visa?".

    I pointed out to her the current "extension" stamp and told her that my original visa had expired some years ago.

    This rather deflated her and she just flipped my passport back at me over the counter and turned her back..........................true Thainess.

    I had a similar instance at the Novatel at Suvarnabhumi.

    I was flying out and as is usual the wife brought me to the airport and waited with me until it was time for me to go 'inside'. The departure was delayed and finally cancelled. We were booked on the next day's flight and passengers were sent to the Novatel for overnight accommodations.

    We had to go first to some "service desk" and show our boarding cards. I told the man there that my wife was not traveling with me, so did not have a boarding card, but I wanted her to stay with me tonight. He said "No problem sir" and gave me a voucher of some sorts, and sent me to the reception desk.

    The reception desk was manned by a Thai female "not quite the manager" type who did not like the Thai lady being with me, especially when she did not have a 'voucher'. She asked for my wife's ID card and said she would keep it. I told her if she wanted to photocopy the ID I did not care, but she was *not* keeping the ID. Of course, that got her back up and she wanted to get pissy with me.

    I quietly told her, "Look, before you really embarrass yourself, and I call your manager and get you in trouble, take a look at the ID card in your hand. Check the name." She did so, reading the name out loud "Mrs xxxxx Jackson". I said, "Now look at my passport. Read the name." She did so, "Mr xxxxx Jackson." Wait for it.....light bulb on. "Oh, Mr Jackson I am so sorry I did not realize this is your wife please accept my apology." Then she switched to Thai and apologized to my wife profusely.

    I was not offended...but it was nice to be able to turn the tables, so to speak.

    • Like 1
  10. JD, Sorry mate, but I really can't be bothered to learn Thai, it's too difficult for me, I admit it.

    But i don't see it as a handicap, I get by, I don't need to be Molly-coddled, I can look after myself in almost every situation.

    I learnt French at school, and German at College, but just let me and other folk go about our own lifes, without you saying we are culturally uneducated, we just cannot be a***d. Ok, so you can be bothered, we cannot all be like you, but we don't try and make you feel inadequate for any of YOUR failings, even if you don't have any.

    Ghost, your only failing is living in Korat ;-)

    Do not take this too seriously...I live in Chok Chai

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    "Mr Jaturong said all banks will bear the cost of the technology upgrade"..... 


      Hmmmmm.....if this is true then Posted Image but i think the reality will be more the norm of "lets charge them with higher blah blah blah but don't tell Jaturong "!!! Posted Image 


    Cost of the new cards springs to mind.


    Will the banks actually insist everybody has to replace with a new card once the rollout is complete?


    I expect the new cards will be phased in. As people's cards expire or they replace lost/damaged cards, the replacements will be the chipped cards.


    At some point the banks might request everyone come in for a new card, or if a customer happens to be there for some business they might suggest swapping their card out for the new one.


    I would guess the old mag strip cards will continue to work for a long time.


    I just replaced my ATM card with Bangkok Bank 2 weeks ago. They still gave me the old style with the magnetic strip. My expiration is 2023, so I hope they don't wait until this one expires. There will be no such thing as an ATM card then. It will all be a fingerprint, or eyeball, scanner. Has anyone got a copyright yet on "SmartEye Technology"? Or "iEye"? Pay me a royalty please.
    I received a new ATM card from KTB last week. It is a mag strip card also. The expiration date is far off in the future; it might be 2023 as well.

    I wonder if we will still be using ATM cards then, or even using cash.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. How joyous!  A group of thugs manage to intimidate cowardly police into offering flowers like conquering heroes while jeopardizing the tiny, itsy bitsy, teeny weenie, microscopic bit of democracy Thailand currently has.  I'm sure the 40 % of the population that voted for PT will be good sports about their democratic rights being violated and this loss celebrated by the spineless bureaucrats who have their picture taken with these villains who are joyously drunk with their new found power and vigilante stardom.


    "the 40% of the population that voted for PT"


    PTP got 48.4% of the votes cast, but many didn't bother to vote, and many more are ineligible to vote.


    There had to be some sort of face-saving compromise, because of the important birthday this week, not sure how that compromise justifies such vitriol, it is just being pragmatic, much as former-PM Abhisit was when negotiating with the Red-Shirts in 2010.


    "Votes cast" is what counts...what percentage of the population elected someone is irrelevant

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    More noise than anything,waste the money really when compared too jappas americans indenial japanese techs more innovative heck they finnally just made harleys water cooled-reminds me of the supercharger/turbo argument because turbos were more to the japs liking and after an american club blew three new motors from snapping supercharge belts they finally went to turbo setup and it hasnt happened ever since so why dont people do themselves a favour.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    Turbos and superchargers obviously do different things and are consequently used on different engines for different reasons.....no?


    What is obvious is that you are wrong.

    Certainly turbos and superchargers work in very different ways, but their purpose in life is the same...to force more air into the combustion chambers.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Ahh.... same same..... I see ... thanks for clearing that up!
    Your point about "used on different engines for different purposes is certainly valid. The operating characteristics between turbos and superchargers are vastly different.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Now here's the thing... You expect Eastern cultures to know about western sensibilities. And yet you make no effort to blend into the culture of Thais in which you are immersed in?  Perhaps the You You person is not as refined a person that he/she should be. You find those kinds of people in the west as well. Same same everywhere...




    I hated it as well. But after thinking about it, You or Khun (คุณ) is a literal translation. If a person was calling my attention, he/she would say Khun Krap (คุณกรับ) or would you prefer "You Krap"?


    If it takes time for you to learn Thai, then be more forgiving about Thais learning to speak English. At least they (Thai) try.


    Excellent point. If they were making an attempt to be polite in the slightest they would certainly use Khrap/kaa with the pronoun. Thais would NEVER speak to someone they don't know (especially a customer) with out using kaa/krap.

    And also, the way some people shout YOU YOU; you can just hear it in their tone and the way they speak to you that they are being extremely rude and disrespectful.


    If you have lived here a long time and speak a bit of Thai/ understand some basic cultural differences etc. you can tell when someone is being rude and when someone is just ignorant.




    That Thai guy saying "you...you!" is doing a literal translation to you language (English). His assumption (probably) is that you do not know Thai. Given that, why would he mix Thai and English by saying "You you khrap" ?

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