My 10 cents (soon to be worth 1 cent)....
Winter is coming.
Meaning: energy, oil, gas, hitting the roof.
Half your paychecks will go to utility bills.
Higher energy prices equate to higher food and supply prices...
Can see it yet?
I'll go even further.
Higher commuting prices, production and manufacturing, and yes... taxes!!!
No problemo, let's print some money...
Oh wait, we can't pay for ink cartridges.
Because we printed too much and REAL inflation catches up...
Winter is gonna be a storm.
This small trading range, with its downward bias, is the beginning.
Not only the USD, but the whole basket of SDR currencies are coming to a stop, and yes, it's gonna crash. It just the only option.
There exists no such thing as an ever growing economy.
Welcome to the big reset....
So my 1 cent, people who paid off their homes and mortgages can grow little food.
All others will lose to the bank and are fckd.
Didnt wanna say it, but you'll wake up eventually.