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Everything posted by tadpole22

  1. a small mistake has cost him his MP not sure how long before a MP again
  2. i was going to say motor bikes as well but some one got there 1st
  3. retired at 54 met and married thai lady in uk made the most of my live doing what i liked football 44 yrs atletics done 5 world champs 4 euro,s champs many-many uk oz champs what did i do i did DECATHLON/PENTATHLON around the world have done this for 23 yrs and 7 yrs out of the sport as well 69 yrs in oct so enjoying life here in thailand last 16 yrs to think around the world less than 200 65-69 yrs do what i do dec/pent plus many medals to show but as getting older medals do no mean so much now but they did at 45 yrs just have fun and see old friends over the yrs also done 5 thai champs and 1 thai open champs in athletics better comp than UK you get many more thai,s in my events than in uk long/triple/javelin i am top 5 in UK but only means somethink to me and at 70 could be number 1 in one of these events so if you like doing some think then do it as long as you can we have only one life here so make the most of it while you are here
  4. also got P60 last 9 yrs with this year being the 30 pound tax from 2 pensions
  5. i worked at post office and baa gatwick pension from 60-69yrs only paid 30 pound tax to uk and done nothing about tax told then leave uk in 2007 retired at 54 and only got to pay tax 10 pound BAA and 20 pound tax POST OFFICE this year and got GOVT pension last 4 years
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