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Posts posted by Springman

  1. Looking at the pictures, It would appear the deceased was not wearing a helmet (or possibly it was not correctly strapped on and came off during the collision). What i think is clear is that if he had been wearing a good helmet he would not have sustained what appear to be massive head injuries.

    My condolonces to his family.

    I dont think a thai helmet would have made any difference you get much for B500 :) always the idiots weaving in and out at speed you just know they wont last long its the poor sod they hit..Condolances to his family a young life lost in his prime

  2. Quote:Thailand is like no other place in the world

    where else get tourists beaten up by tuk-tuk drivers.But on the other hand high rollers are probably using helicopters.

    11 million foreigners in the country and one of them gets beaten up by a tuk tuk driver, not so bad! I wonder how many foreigners in the US are shot dead every day :)

    Not relevent that was sited because it was a regular occurance in Puket funny things happen there, maybe if it was you attacked

  3. Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.[/q

    I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

    Come on wake up he's had enough of rip off Thailand poor sod just wants to get out of it he will be another very good add for holidaying here! :)

  4. Thanks Kennkate, they have been sent airmail. I am talking about about 51 parcels sent with tracking number all arrived. 9 no tracking number and only one has made it. One person in the UK even sent me some stickers for my motorcycle 4 times and finally one got through. I had thought he wasn't really sending it. The ones that haven't arrived were sent between 4 months ago to 2 years ago, so I think they are gone. I now insist on tracking numbers or I don't bother getting them sent.

    As for sending them written them in Thai, it wouldn't account for the 51 parcels getting here with tracking numbers written in English.

    Anything you send in the post to or from Thailand if you want it to arrive and you cant use a diplomatic bag make it recorded delivery. Light fingers are everywhere in the system it is a joke. :)

  5. Not defending the actions of the driver by any means but didn't the guy agree to 150 then offer 100. Probably not a good idea in any foreign country over 50 baht.

    I'd have to agree here. Anwar and the driver agreed to 150 baht for the ride, and then after services were rendered, Anwar wanted to offer less. And if it's true that he escalated the situation further by being rude and kicking the driver, then I'm not surprised at the eventual outcome.

    I'm sort of happy that people like Anwar won't be returning to Thailand for their holidays.

    You are stupid! attacking tourists is OK is it? isnt Puket getting enough bad press? Seems to be the norm here lets see what happens in court if we ever hear anything I hope he gets 2 years there is no excuse for assault could have killed him.

  6. Not defending the actions of the driver by any means but didn't the guy agree to 150 then offer 100. Probably not a good idea in any foreign country over 50 baht.

    I'd have to agree here. Anwar and the driver agreed to 150 baht for the ride, and then after services were rendered, Anwar wanted to offer less. And if it's true that he escalated the situation further by being rude and kicking the driver, then I'm not surprised at the eventual outcome.

    I'm sort of happy that people like Anwar won't be returning to Thailand for their holidays.

  7. For the last couple of months I've been having a bit of battle with Nationwide in the England about the maximum daily withdrawal amount from ATMs in Thailand. In two months, apart from two occasions, I've only been allowed to take a maximum of 10,000 baht from dozens of machines I've tried here in Pattaya and in Bangkok.

    Nationwide have been assuring me that I'm entitled to draw up to 300 GBP per day, regardless of the country and they ephasised that this applies also to Thailand. They suggested that it may be the local banks that put on this limit, but because if I tried to withdraw more than 10,000 baht I was getting a message something like "This transaction is invalid, please contact your bank", I was convinced that it was Nationwide who were applying the restriction. Now I've had a letter from Nationwide in which they sound very sincere, assuring me that there is no restriction and that they'll be very happy to let me have up to the maximum withdrawal in Thailand.

    Could it be that the banks have altered their machines to refer you to your own bank if you press the "other amount" button, only paying out if you hit one of the buttons up to 10,000 baht? This obviously means that you have to make more withdrawals and in the process, pay more 150 baht fees.

    Even with an exchange rate of 54 baht to the pound say, you should be able to withdraw up to 15,000 baht plus the 150 baht fee and still be comfortably within the 300GBP limit. I know that I can take my passport into my bank and withdraw my money that way but it doesn't suit me, therefore I'd be grateful if you wouldn't suggest this method of withdrawal.

    Your thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

  8. Hey all,

    My gf is in Thailand, I'm in england waiting to sort out the visas and stuff, and I've finally persuaded her to get the internet in her house. (she didnt want 'all the kids' in there all the time, haha)

    But unfortunately she is not very savvy technology-wise and cant tell me whether its gonna be wireless internet or not. I'm just owndering whether this is something standard in Thailand, as it is in UK...

    I think it cost her about 800b to get it set up, and like 500 odd a month... Not sure tho!

    If not, would it be better for me to bring a wireless router over there when I go in september, or are they easy to buy/no more expensive over in Thailand?

    THanks for any help

    I live in Pattaya it is easy and cheap to get a wireless Router either from your internet provider or local tech shop. All the reular makes are available an work fine.

  9. Did it occur to anyone that these people actually stole and were then scammed by someone else? We forget Thailand is full of questionable foreigners too....notice all the imprisoned drug dealers with their sad stories...sure they are in terrible jails but do you seriously think they are all innocent (many are guilty and some have even admitted to it).

    It is possible these people are shoplifters who were scammed based on the common knowledge that "tea money" buys you out of trouble in Siam, but then they realized they overpaid....or like any thief, once they are out of trouble, they will resort to dishonesty to try to get back when someone stole from them, i.e. "excuse me, but they stole money from me (the shoplifter)."

    What world do you live in? Maybe it will be you next time I will for one will not shop at the Airport

  10. Another one going........

    Yes afraid so can't do with the uncertanty here the last straw was checking thai wife ownership :) Whilst my house is company name still dubious :D Masseuse to be over 40? :D 15 Day visa run :D what next Dont know their ass from their elbow :D ! I have sold it and am takeing my money to Cambodia or Vietnam.

  11. I have an Intenatioal driving licencs from the UK I've heard I can I get aThai licence with that.any one know how please :o

    Yes you can...go into your nearest traffic department with your UK license + IDP + proof of residence (Thailand) pay your money do a colour vision test, reaction test and a parellex test and walk out a few hours later with a 1 year Thai DL, think these days you also have to watch a video as well...

    You dont even need photos these days..

    Take someone with you who can read Thai, as the form that needs to be filled in is in Thai (or it was when I did mine)

    I live in central Pattya do you know where the nearest one is and opening times if poss.

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