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  1. Have a read of 'Chartchai Parasuks' latest article in the BKK post
  2. They were fair last time......just the result ignored/trampled on
  3. Not forgetting to fill the hole in while he's still alive.
  4. Can you imagine the deafening silence.....I would love to be there, it would be excruciating.
  5. They were not voted into office......
  6. I would love to have 5 minutes alone with a 7 iron and this piece of crap.
  7. I guess you haven't followed the news over the past few years.......having political activists murdered ring any bells?
  8. Good to see he has made international news this morning.... Watch: Thai MP under investigation for hitting reporter (bbc.com)
  9. 2 of the worst human failures to leave a stain on humanity, who are responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Their DNA should never be passed into the global gene pool....removed permanently in the ideal world.
  10. Coffin dodger.....someone should move him closer to it.
  11. It's the kind where you get to vote every 4 years and the outcome is the result of the vote......NOT like here.
  12. Lock the piece of crap away. He's a coffin dodger, so won't be too long and not too much of a waste of taxpayers money.
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