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Posts posted by ireckonso

  1. Do Home has a good selection now if you have a store near you. One thing I will say you get what you pay for when it comes to solar components, many cheap panels only have a 1 or 5 year warranty, same with batteries and inverters. Your roi isnt worth much if they die prematurely and you cant get them replaced on warranty.

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  2. Yes it is a race and like all races you never know if you will win or not. Right now they are. Bayer and Syngenta are not the only ones working on these problems, governments, universities, private biotech companies are all contributing research to come up with new tech to combat crop disease/pest problems. The sequencing of the seed genome years ago was a major step forward, now with the crispr cas9 gene editing technology they can really effect change much faster than ever before. Are they making money ? They wouldnt be in business if they were not. R&D isnt cheap, but consider food has never been more plentiful or cheaper in the history of mankind, is that so bad for people ? BIo Farming ? if it works so well why isnt it being done on a large scale ? Like organics yeah you can feed some people with it at a much higher cost and much lower yield per area utilized, but who decides who gets this food and who goes without ? Sometimes reality is not palatable but it is what it is. Im sure the guy who leases from me doesnt like paying 350 usd for a bag of one shot seed corn but he knows in the end he will make money and produce a lot of corn to feed the world. By the way the average corn yield per acre in my area is approx. 176 bushels, try getting that from your bio farming or organic growing.

  3. ITS BAYER NOT MONSANTO NOW. Do you even have a clue why that seed is sterile ??? Do you understand with the environmental changes we have made to the earth the last 100 years new seed viruses-bacterial infections - blights etc. are constantly evolving ??? So that seed you saved from last year now has no resistance to new diseases, now you plant it and your crop fails and the world starves. Wake up to the reality of our ever changing environment ! Why did some rice farmers get blight this year and others didnt ??? Their seed had no resistance to it while farmers who used blight resistant seed strains had no problems. Try planting a crop without using pesticides and see what your yield is, that is if it even survives until maturity. Its too late to go back to our childhoods when things were simple and there were not 8 billion people to feed. I dont like it but its REALITY !!!

  4. 17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    That's great if you want all your food supplied by MonSanto.

    Who else can feed 8 billion people with arable land disappearing at massive rates every year, going to grow everything organic (pipe dream) ? Its real easy for us in wealthier countries who can afford expensive organic food to say monsanto who is now bayer are the bad guys but the reality is if I live in a poor country i will take any food I can afford gmo or not.

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  5. Its called economy of scale, I would rather have many small farms with the average people making money but with going on 8 billion people to feed small scale farming is long gone. I have 160 acres back home I lease out because I cant make any money on it after the expense of everything to farm it i am working for free. The family I lease to farm over 10000 acres. If you are not planting a minimum of 3000 acres its just not worth it. Thailand needs to wake up and realize these little postage size plots of lands are a waste of time, money and effort.

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  6. Okay thailand always claims to be the top exporter of rice in the world except the last couple of years but you come up with every excuse in the world to say its impossible to say what a rai of rice will return on x amount of investment. too funny. But i guess thats why every year the poor farmers are going to the gov. with hat in hand because they are not making any money. Yeah farming is profitable in thailand.

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  7. Im no expert on biochar but im guessing the amounts required would be much more expensive to use compared to other methods to achieve the same results especially with the extremely poor quality of soil here. "From everything we have seen in our own use and through the research of others a good “rule of thumb” is 10% of the planting area should be biochar. If your soil is absolutely horrible you should probably start with a 50/50 mix of biochar and compost and apply about 1/4 lb per square foot". For small scale vegetable farming I think it would be of great use for building your soil.

  8. 2 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    Growing rice is just something you do, you succeed or not, rice to eat and to plant today, or not.

    In other words you have no idea how much you make or lose from growing rice lol now thats farming in thailand.

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