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Danny Morris

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Posts posted by Danny Morris

  1. Hello,


    I am trying decide if I need to get a tourist visa or attempt another visa on arrival, as I am now not sure if I'd manage to get either. Since December 16th 2018 my total days spent in Thailand are 143 days, I have done no boarder runs as I have just extended the visa on arrival twice. My passport shows, in between each visit I have been out of Thailand between 1-3 months every time. 


    My plan would be to come to Thailand at Christmas for a month, I am currently in Borneo (Malaysian side). My English friend was denied a tourist visa from the Thai Embassy in London, as he was told you can only spend 6 months of a year in Thailand. According to them he was over that by 28 days, also he has been doing very obvious border runs.


    I would love some advice on whether you think I could get back into the country with a visa on arrival, or would I better off trying to get a tourist visa? With the tourist visa application, it says you need a round plane ticket saying when you're entering and leaving the country. The problem with that in my eyes, is that I don't want to spend money on plane tickets when I don't even know if I can get into the country. 


    Is there any way around this, or do you have to have the plane tickets booked before applying for the tourist visa?


    Here is a link to the tourist visa form: http://www.thaiembassy.org/kualalumpur/contents/images/text_editor/files/1_1.pdf




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