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Dont confuse me

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  1. Please tell me Mr Benz first name is Mercedes!
  2. Quick look at the film, "Midnight express" ending with a good fund me page, seems like a plan to fund the next trip.
  3. Azeem a good ole fashion english name!
  4. I would suggest he was fully aware that the jump was being filmed and probably encouraged it? Unless he specifically said he doesn't want it shown if he f@%cos up then I don't see a problem! And he still gets his 15 minutes of fame.
  5. It appears they spoke fluent Thai a peek at their visas might prove fruitful.
  6. What a low life slag! She doesn't recognise her older children unless it's her birthday and she ponces cash from the father's she states she's had a 'designer vagina' to eradicate any signs of child birth! Her child is named Cairo i wonder if that where he was conceived or the father is Egyptian? I do feel for the kids because at some stage in their lives they are going to find out about her. I sincerely hope she gets kicked out and the UK investigate her for potential fraud.
  7. A legend in his own lunchtime. Let's see how he gets on in the BangkokHiilton.
  8. Actually they can! Well at least 49% with 2 other 'investers' having 17% each. (In their company) Making them majority share holders and their house becomes their company office. I owned a property for 6 years like this, sold it at a profit and moved onto the next one using the same system.
  9. The trans looked bigger and fitter than the 4 wheel skids
  10. It took longer than I expected!!!! I wonder if what's left of his assets will remain in his family custody or now that he is no longer with us the vultures will pick it clean.
  11. Because his mind was telling him he was still 25 but it forgot to tell his body!!!! Not to mention the i can take on the world liquid he had probably consumed.
  12. Looks like a Nigerian name? Say no more!!!! Very few of these "give me your money" appeals show the next of kin or the person(s) responsible for the management of the fund. Also (l could be wrong) but i recall a little while ago a similar fund was asking for 40k then it went up to 60k now 100?
  13. This chap breached immigration rules a 'tad' and will face the consequences! There's a flip side to this he has survived for 25 years, it's possible he has worked? However he has contributed to the system for 25 years, he may have an income/pension from UK, never been arrested cut him a deal.
  14. Yes as does a Thai stopping after having an accident. Lol
  15. Hey, I've got a great idea, how about renting a motor cycle and robbing a few tourists, won't bother using a false name coz I ain't giving bike back, what do you think baby? Brilliant idea darling we can make good money, I love you! Let's see how it plays out in court I think she will be throwing her boy toy under the tuk tuk.
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