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Posts posted by Bell1234

  1. On 4/4/2020 at 2:31 PM, allencraig said:

    If they don't announce anything clear, you could just go to immigration on April 9 and pay 1,900 for an extension, couldn't you?

    Yes he could and yes he could stand with 100s of ppl and yes he could catch covid and yes i agree with him and will be overstaying too.. 89 days to be exact.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/25/2020 at 5:51 PM, rogerLepri said:

    Sounds like you guys are using the wrong agent.. I had a TR visa which i already extended, and was due a visa run. Contacted @thaivisacentre (via line), and they were able to get me a 90 day visa extension. Just dropped my passport off.


    She just say she cant do if you get issued 7 day extension (with order to leave). If you have not done this yet, you are still in the money.

    How much for 90 Day?

  3. 13 minutes ago, timoti said:

    I also just talked to an agent in the Canadian embassy, first he told me we don't give letters unlike other embassies like British embassy. He said you can get 7 day extension and then book a flight to go home.


    Then he said actually you can get a letter ????


    He said you need to come with your passport and fill out a form stating the reason why you want to stay, and then they could issue you a letter.


    Are there still busses from pattaya to BKK? I called this company:



    and they say in automated call, that they have busses from 4:30, but no one picked up, and google shows no upcoming departures. Are they still providing busses these times? If not how can I go to BKK?



    Thanks in advance.

    No buses til the End of April unless you already have a reserved ticket.

  4. 20 hours ago, Susco said:

    I hate to say it, but you have no idea what your are talking about.


    The mortality rate of covid-19 is about 1%, of the people that get infected, which is so far in the worst case in the world 0.5% of the population (San Marino) , so how would it be possible for any country to have 20% of their population die of the virus?



    What is the mortality rate of the new coronavirus?

    It is probably about or a bit less than 1%. Much higher figures have been flying about, but the chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, is one of those who believes it will prove to be 1% or lower. The World Health Organization’s director general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, talked of 3.4%, but his figure was calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of officially confirmed cases. We know there are many more mild cases that do not get to hospital and are not being counted, which would bring the mortality rate significantly down.

    You are wrong and anyone that reads the guardian is a clown.

    • Confused 1
  5. 7 hours ago, fcbkk said:

    The most annoying thing in all this mess is all the xenophobic sh*t coming out from so many people it is just disgusting. 

    So many in this forum (rightfully) reject the racist comments from an incompetent health official in Thailand, yet see nothing wrong about posting derogatory comments about the Chinese themselves just a sentence later. 


    It is not the Chinese who brought this on us, but disrespect of nature and wildlife trade and that is a human problem, not one of nationality. The same could have happened in Laos, India, Myanmar etc etc ... or Thailand for that matter. 

    The same could happen again any day in fact. Even today in Bangkok’s JJ market you can still see protected animals kept in horrible conditions, stressed, injured and traded in close vicinity to each other. Perfect conditions for possible crossovers. 

    Demand from Asia, but also from many in the so-called better developed countries keeps this trade running. 


    Kindly remind yourself and all of us of the best humanity is capable of, show solidarity, help those most vulnerable. We are all in this together like it or not. Perhaps when we get through this we can reconnect with nature and reverse the destruction we cause. 

    For a start, stop the disgusting wildlife trade and trophy hunting.

    You're wrong.. The Chinese did bring it on and infected the World.

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/19/2020 at 3:01 PM, Tapster said:

    Yup, Stage 3 is probably here.

    Still, Thailand is doing better than some First World countries (I'm talking about you, United Kingdom!).


    We're self-quarantining, because my wife was critically ill with pneumonia two years ago. She's at high risk.

    Makro in Rawai, Phuket wasn't going crazy two days ago. Hopefully, Buddhist Thai's won't panic like stupid, spineless westerners.

    Go well!!


    Funny you believe that Thailand is doing better than anybody.. Funny you believe the figures.. UK are paying ppl who have lost their jobs.. Are Thailand?

  7. 1 hour ago, sezze said:

    Why not try Italian statistics ...

    60.000.000 / 2503 deaths . Your nr will prob be beaten by quite a large amount . Also , in China the situation is under control ( barely new cases ) while in Italy its still expanding . And according to new nrs , Spain is gonna beat Italy in the statistics .

    You believe what china says ????????????????

  8. On 3/17/2020 at 3:11 AM, ParkerN said:


    Yep. In other words, the government doesn't want the responsibility of all the moronic football supporters having to throw their copy football shirts away and try to figure out what else to do on a Saturday arvo. Can't have that, nossir. Duh. So everyone in UK has to accept a greater risk of infection so Boris can think what a great guy he is instead of being a bumbling idiot who can't work out how to use a comb or tuck his shirt in.


    Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of people... grrr.



    Atleast the bumbling idiot tells the truth about the real figures of infections why labour party supporters (idiiots) try to make political gain.

  9. 5 hours ago, jimn said:

    Oh do behave and crawl back in your hole. I was out last night and the gogo's I went to were packed. No one coughing and sneezing, hand gel everywhere, just people having a good time. Why on earth would they close the bars with only 70 reported cases?

    Because most of the new 30 cases today got it from Nightclubs and Bars.. Read the report

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