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Posts posted by Beachedwhale

  1. maybe it prevented a few more people going walking in the flooded water and therefore suffering the same result. I for one will not be going into flooded water above sandle height when floods come to Samui in the next monsoon...

    and just remember "He added that leeches could enter human bodies via nose, mouth, eyes, anus, vagina and urethra" so dont forget to "cover with plastic bags and tie tightly to ensure that no leech can climb in".... :o

  2. Because a Friend has interests in it ???


    Does your friend have any more news that he and you are willing to post here? I see that the large signs have been taken down at the entrance and obviously that leads to speculation ... so rather than speculate I thought I would ask you and your friend.



    Don't you mean his "imangery" friend? The one that never posts in defense of The Peak, even though he has the investment in it?

    I am not sure what an "imangery" friend is, but with posts like this it is unlikely that Roberto and his friend would feel inclined to answer, even though there are a a lot of us in Samui interested to find out what is happening.

    There was a lot of activity and noise when it all came out but there has been nothing lately... just curious thats all.

    The fact is Roberto's "friend" has never answered to any of it, regardless of posts, so your point is sort of moot, isn't it? If you don't understand "imangery" friend, how about "fictional" friend? You know, the kind of "friend" that doesn't really exist but serves your purpose for internet posting? If you read the complete thread, I think you'll know what I mean. Anyway, good luck to you getting Roberto's "friend" to post.

    take the chip off your shoulder and go and read a good book - I suggest a dictionary, perhaps it will calm you down while you learn to spell "imaginary" as opposed to "imangery".

    Have a nice day :o

  3. Because a Friend has interests in it ???


    Does your friend have any more news that he and you are willing to post here? I see that the large signs have been taken down at the entrance and obviously that leads to speculation ... so rather than speculate I thought I would ask you and your friend.



    Don't you mean his "imangery" friend? The one that never posts in defense of The Peak, even though he has the investment in it?

    I am not sure what an "imangery" friend is, but with posts like this it is unlikely that Roberto and his friend would feel inclined to answer, even though there are a a lot of us in Samui interested to find out what is happening.

    There was a lot of activity and noise when it all came out but there has been nothing lately... just curious thats all.

  4. if the match is televised the best chance you have of seeing it is in the sportsman bar on beach road in chawang opposite the central hotel

    "The Office" in Bangrak and "The Pub" in Bophut both have the south African channel and have shown some games in the past ...

  5. I find it very difficult not to feel anger towards them and their distortion of the facts.

    Yet again the latest statement they released had a total showing of ignorance as to what happened before the coup and after.

    ( Refusal to recognise the truth of the situation )

    The U.S. state they will now be watching and observing all the actions taken by the new P.M and making sure that, among other things:-

    1) Democracy is restored as soon as possible to an elected civilian power and it,s control.

    2) Restrictions are lifted on the media and the movements of civilians to be allowed.

    3) Human rights are re instated and restored to the way they where before.

    4) The situation in the South is now of great concern and that the military do not agitate it further now it has taken power.

    5) The Thai people must be allowed freedom and not be restricted.

    ( Never mind that certain groups would / could threaten their safety and undermine security )

    Forgive me if i,m mistaken and mixed up but,

    I was under the impression having spent the majority of the last 5 years out here that ALL the above points where put in place by Toxin during his questionable premiership.

    Indeed the coup has now restored a sense of security and much more freedom along with new hope for the future where it was total chaos before.

    Why does the U.S continue to ignore the reality of what and why these actions where taken in the first place.

    Its just politics in action....

    They are listing down things that are already underway so that when they are done and all of the outside world see them done, they can come out and say -

    "look Thailand listened to us the "all-mighty US" and sorted their act out We are powerfull and are working in the best interests of the whole world, if we had not stepped in and cut off military aid and had not given those generals a bit of a talking to, who knows what would have happened. See we have come to the rescue of democracy once again .. Hi ho Silver ..."

  6. You Sure Rooo?

    That's what I gather Limbos.If you headind north,say Lamai all the drains are on the left.They have joined them to an outlet near the brige.

    Same as Bophut,they crossed the road with them.If you remember last year in Bophut when the army was there,they were pumping straight out to sea.This is why after heavy rain when you stand on a view point no matter where,you will see big patches of brown water.

    Then maybe I'm wrong :o

    Not too sure but ..

    I think they are all actualy taking the water back to the stream beside the old Monkey Theatre soi. That stream goes past the Bophut school under the main Bophut / Bangrak road and into a small estuary and eventually out to sea. My understanding is that the drains crossing the road are actually designed to take the water away from the Anantara etc side of the road to the new large pipes on the go-cart side of the road. These large pipes then take it all the way down to that stream.

    I am eagerly awaiting a decent rain to see how effective it is because they have also reclaimed some of the low area behind the plant shop which used to end up very flooded, plus that stream used to also get quite high on its own accord and coften over the monkey theatre soi - with a motorbike and passenger being swept away last year. Also the estuary is quite tidal so if they do not dig out the entrance to the sea then it will mean that it will be difficult for it to flow out.

    I hope that they have done all of the engineering correctly, but certainly do not feel that confident because of the results we have seen to date - such as the roads collapsing, lack of appropriate warning signs etc...

  7. The Maid and the Chauffeur seemed to have been highly paid considering their job responsibilities. Phatongtae is also highly wedged up for a student and maybe his degree from Ramkamhaeng can be reviewed now.

    creative accounting is one thing however premeditated tax avoidence is against the law and the penalties for it should be high. Seize all assets of not only the family but the pseudo share holders as well.

    Off with the head i say

    I believe people are being too agressive on this and are underestimating the new regime who include ex-Central bank executives etc. They do not need to make any official statements about seizing assets as it would cause a political stir offshore because there has not been any investigation and subsequent court order for seizure. They don't need it to actually place a watch on the assets anyway. They have sufficient control with the banks and the stock exchange etc to have the assets "frozen" i.e. they would effectively still be exactly where they were prior to the coup, but should the family try to move them, then they would find it difficult to do so (maybe they would then be subject to the same sort of delays we have in trying to get money into Thailand). Should the family then make a fuss about how hard it is to get their assets out of Thailand they would be seen as the ones in the wrong and it would actually make some form of justification for seizing the assets. Its a game of chess, and I believe that the current players are showing very good board skills.

  8. Let's slow down folks.

    If they were just head hunting Thaksin the assets would already be seized. They will seize the assets only if prosecution is probable or imminent.

    Try to not underestimate the powers behind this coup. There is no vindictiveness. Already, the coup leaders are setting things in place for proper legal channels to proceed. If it is deemed Thaksin's assets are largely illegally gained, they will be seized, or more likely simply frozen until an investigation can be undertaken.

    I agree. I believe the new powers are very smart - not just the head but the advisors as well. I feel extremely confident that they will do things the proper way. Thaksin was rich anyway. Any ill gotten gains or taxes or fines will still be much less than his total wealth and probably much less than his wealth available for seizure in Thailand (subject to the legal process of course). And there are also enough treaties in place for his assets to be seized offshore at a later date should it be necessary. I believe there is no need to start seizing assets today unless of course it is found that Thaksin or his family start to try and move or hide assets (If the family did that then it would indicate some form of guilt and give good reason for seizure).

    If they started to do it now before there has been a proper investigation then it would only do more harm to the image that they are doing it for the people and not just to get back at Thaksin. I get more confident everyday in what is happening.

  9. Also the general perception is that coup was done in the name of the King and the country - yellow ribbons and all that. 86% approval.

    They acted extremely professionally and came out cleaner than before the coup. As for democracy - it wasn't allowed to ruin the country this time.

    perhaps with 86% approval we have "More democracy" since the definition I took from the oxford dictionary states:

    • noun (pl. democracies) 1 a form of government in which the people have a voice in the exercise of power, typically through elected representatives. 2 a state governed in such a way. 3 control of a group by the majority of its members.

    Anyway in my little part of Thailand, it feels much more relaxed than 3 days ago, there is a general (sorry about the pun) feeling that the coup is the right thing for the country, was done very smoothly and will be a better result than the process that was in place last week

    ... I have never lived in a country in the midst of a political coup and being under military rule, and I must say I feel surprisingly safe and confident about the future ... a strange feeling and extremely hard to explain to my worried family back home reading all of the reports and travel warnings...

  10. This move by Thaksin shows the fraud that he and the political party he leads really is.

    Foreigners cant own property in Thailand and have to jump through all sorts of hoops to stay in Thailand but there he is in our country (UK) with his million pound house in his millionaire district of London with an almost indefinite allowance to stay in our country. And I thought that immigration laws between Thailand and the UK were supposed to be reciprocal?

    One rule for Thaksin, another rule for everyone else?

    I think Thailand would probably have a similar view if a rich foreign ex-leader came here on his valid 60-day tourist visa (and did not attempt to alter the details on his stamp) and stayed in his expensive condominium. At this time, Thaksin has not been found guilty of any crime and no Thai officials have sought his arrest or extradition so there is no logical reason why he cannot stay in the UK. Just because 75% of the population do not like him as a leader (I believe that was the number in the Bangkok Post today) does not give grounds for him to be refused to holiday in the UK.

    I am not from the UK, but I believe it was the democratically elected UK government that set the land ownership laws of which Thaksins family have abided by when purchasing this nice expensive abode. If this law is not suitable for the UK then perhaps it should be changed ... but with sufficient notice and suitable grandfather clauses in place so as not to cause major disruption and confusion...

  11. btb its interesting that he can go in and out of the UK freely, yet many of his countrymen are refused visitor visa's on the grounds that they might not return to Thailand....... :o

    It is my understanding that in most countries the visa requirement is only that you have a valid ticket out of the country prior to the visa expiration or the means to buy one - often possession of a credit card would suffice ... it does not necessarily require that the ticket is back to your home country. So perhaps we can start a sweep on where his next port of call might be, if not Thailand, and if the UK does not grant him some kind of extension...

    My assumption is that he might want to go to the Channel Islands or Switzerland to update his passbook... (do banks in other countries still use pasbooks like Thailand banks do?)

  12. Comments that are simply ridiculous, however, deserve to be countered and Beachedwhale is obviously misinformed about reality, prefering to delve into the bag of half-truths and inaccuracies to make a point.

    Please clarify where you believe I made a half-truth and innacuracy.

    I lived in Singapore for 7 years including during 2 democratic elections. I actually like Singapore for many reasons but the one thing that finally got to me was the election process. However I do agree that Singapore has not necessarily done badly out of the process in general as there is relatively low level of unemployment, low level of poverty, low crime, etc etc. The government oficials have got wealthy but there has been a much more even spread of wealth in Singapore which is why there is generally not much dissent from the people. This is obviously different to Thailand over the last year or so. Both are democracies, but certainly do not function the same - and whether they are functioning properly depends on the individuals perspective.

    Sorry, no credit card for you because you are farang. Loan for a farang? Sorry, sir. ? Your wife divorced you and now you have no rights to your home, land, children? Things work differently here in Thailand'

    I am a farang, I have a credit card in Thailand, I have an overdraft and business loan, I have a vehicle on hire purchase ... I have been divorced from a Thai lady while living in Thailand and have custody of my children and my house and my business... things are different but if you "follow the rules" things can be achieved OK... seems to be functioning fine for me (oh sorry, I forgot that using the word "fine" might have differnet connotations in Singapore Lah) :o

  13. Imagine a part of Thailand actually functioning properly . . .

    And I suppose the definition of "functioning properly" is like the way the Singapore democratic elections work, with the majority of seats going uncontested and the opposition leader having to flee the country as all of his assets are being seized becasue he made a small insinuation about the integrity of a member of the democratically elected ruling party.

    All I can say is, things function differently here in Asia and especially in Thailand ... which is why I chose to live here rather than somewhere else, I don't need to look at things through a TV channel, I can just look out the window and see a totally new world ...

  14. Phuket Post is a well respected news source so this must be true.

    Actually I have heard that it was an unfortunate translation mistake again ... the story was actually supposed to be referring to Singapores investments in Thailand after the coup and was supposed to read "Singapore get F_____D" but the phonetic translation came out as "Singapore get Phuket"

    This is from a totally reliable source ... I heard it from an Aussie who missed out on being stranded in Singapore with free accomodation etc as he went on a cheaper airline direct to Bangkok...


  15. I was just interested to hear accounts from those that are currently in Samui/Phangan of what is the impact or effect, if any at all, from the military coup in Bangkok presently unfolding?

    Are the locals acting any differently? Has anything noticebly changed on the Islands?

    Very quiet on the streets, but it is a low time anyway. Many people did not know it was happening including many Thais who were busy taking children to school only to find the school closed. Even the local "International" school closed although when we called them at 7.30 they said they were opening as usual only to be told when we dropped the kids off at 8.30 that it was closed. One farang asked my advice this morning on whether he should buy into a bar in Chaweng and I suggested he might want to wait a few days and keep his money in the UK - he was not aware of the coup.

    Been a long queue at the ATM nearby my house with mostly farangs getting out as much cash as they can in anticipation of banks being closed down.

    Samui cable TV was showing all of the BBC and Fox news while UBC had been closed .. so many expats knew more about the coup than the locals because the Thai channels said nothing until 9am. (Samui cable has been a great service over the past few months - the football world cup in English, the tri-nations rugby and now continuing to show the International News when UBC was shut down).

    Been quite a bit of noise from Big Buddha in terms of some loud chanting, maybe the locals have gone there to seek some assistance in getting things sorted out quickly.

    The Big Issue for Samui will likely be the impact from reduced Tourism and that will depend on the next few days.

  16. beautiful mark :D

    Its interesting to hear people complain about this forum being boring. That isn't a word that sprung to my mind after reading the thread about the Peak. But maybe some people expect something more exciting like the Pattaya forum? If you have news to report feel free to start a thread.

    And beachedwhale, if you really feel that s&m reports out of NZ have some relevance to Samui, Phangan and Tao which is, after all, the point of having this forum in the first place, post away. But, since you seem to like to complain, let me explain; this is a regional forum specifically for the islands. Most people won't be checking in here to find out whats going on in say, NZ, will they? :o


    I apologise if my weird sense of humour did not register with you. I feel I am not complaining just making a light hearted comment in the vein of the original post of the thread. As I made the comment nearly 2 weeks ago and have not added to it, I thought you would see I was not intending to truly go down that path. I was using NZ as an example, and felt that there would be very similar stories on KP and Samui that could liven up the forum (In fact I hear many weird things from customers but too weird to print here).

    Also I have made a point on other topics to try and encourage good things to be said about Samui as I believe there has been too much bad news and squabbling etc.

    Back on topic ... An update on the Bangrak Pier ... it is finally in operation (although they are still dredging around it). The seatran discovery is making 2 trips a day from and to it. Looks like if we wait long enough things do happen here in Samui. This will be good for those businesses that set up in anticipation of the pier opening, although will probably not be good for the traffic congestion next to the seafood market as the evening ferry comes in at 5pm which is a busy time for the market.

  17. but me personally, no, not involved

    Oh its another beautiful day here in Samui, a bit windy and overcast and potentially a shower or two, with some clouds gathering over the hills above the peak development, generally though a nice temperature for me to go and have a walk around outside and breath in some fresh sea air (except if I wander too far and end up down by the fish market). All in all a better option than getting ito a spiral of discussion that seems to be leading nowhere and making no significant contribution to the betterment of mankind, the Koh Samui property development landscape or the eco-system... see you in an hour or two when I have freshed up a bit.

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