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Posts posted by macb

  1. none of us are here to judge each other, just to offer advice to those who need it :

    Nienke well article :

    I would rather use the Term check chain not choke chain, after all we love our dogs and want the best from them so why its called a choke chain I really don't know because that's not the object of any exercise :

    Again thanks to Bina and Nienke for there always knowledgeable inputs

  2. Whilst I appreciate that Nienke does not agree with my training methods which follows the guidelines of the Home Office for Dog Training that covers all Police Force Dog Sections in the UK 42 Forces in all.

    Collate all the information you need and dis-regard what you do not need:

    At the end of the day we are all here to give advice to those who need it

  3. Well it looks like you will be able to achieve things with your dogs:

    The first rule is Basic obedience once you have achieved this then that means you are the pack leader and have control of your dogs, then you can move onto more in depth training.

    Walking to heel

    Sit on command


    Don't try to run before you can walk as they say and remember that you need to bring the Polish back with both dogs fairly often, you cant just assume they will be sharp on commands once you have taught them, its a continual training exercise to keep them on top and you on top.

    Have fun and don't hesitate to ask if your not sure about something

  4. Nice to hear from another Ex Dog Handler:

    Separate your command Tones from your praise tones: As mentioned praise must come immediately after your dog has performed different exercises: As with correction you must correct your dog at the time he does something wrong not after because he does not know: So many people chastise there dog when they do not respond to a COME command or re-call then they wonder why the dog does not return.

    Have a look at my pinned Topic on Dog Training if you have not already done so.

    Also remember training must be fun for the dog as well as you, and little and often. If you bounce along in training so will your dog if you walk along sluggish as if not interested it feed down the lead to your dog.

    Well just a few hints and reminders.

    Your dogs do not need to be chasing other dogs really or tractors.

    Tell us what your dogs bark at at night ? I would guess frogs crabs lizards and of course snakes. But normally you should in time be able to differentiate between the business bark and the curious bark

  5. oh!! if u call his name to give him command: BULLY STOP! CASEY SIT, thats one thing, using a dog's name is a way of getting attention, and then giving him a command. if u use his name and then punish/scold, thats a detterant for getting him/her to pay attention. PAYING ATTENTION is one of the first things that are taught to dogs. in some dogs, and many specific breeds, its a built in trait (dobermans, gsd's, poodles, actually most working dogs of any sort apart from sheep guarding dogs -not herders, guarders, like kuvasz, etc- ) . however, some dogs, and some breeds, the 'paying attention to the person' has to be developed and re inforced. when workign with puppies its usually done by using the name, followed by a rinky dinky piece of treat when the pup looks up at u.

    and macb, trainer of working GSD's (german shepherds) knows his GSD'S...:))

    so the sharp NO is correct.

    there are , AFAIK two negative commands: NO and STOP. all others are positive commands for actions, including LEAVE IT. so for the postitives u would use the dogs names. BRUTUS is an easy name to say quickly, but SHIPWRECK? hwo on earth? ? ... probably shortened to SHIP (sounds like SHIT when pronounced by thai ...which sounds like SIT to the dog... ) or maybe pronoounced SIPPY (tzippy is an israeli girls name :D) )...

    working with two dogs can be fun, we 've had some threads about that; u can do it i did it with my boxers...

    the male chases the tractors /dogs cause they are invading his territory and he runs them off his land; the bitch probably wont go as far, she will stay closer to home but still vocally warn far off 'strangers'... which is why a male/female setup is a good working set up which we've always used also.



    hey macb, haven seen u around lately?

    Hi there Bina:

    Been very busy doing this and that will send you a PM later !!

    Thanks for the accolade :

    I would add that your knowledge is exemplary and the advice you give to those requiring assistance is worthy both of my praise and the members asking for assistance.

    As for commands you right, names mean nothing to dogs, its used to get there attention.

    One command SIT STAY DOWN: Dogs are like kids keep it short and sharp and dont be repetative (Example say SIT 3 times then your dog will wait for the three commands before re-acting )

    You need 2 vocal levels, one for the command and one for the praise:

    Not training tips for you but to remind the others :

  6. I also can report that I checked the office out yesterday, just to make sure and satisfy myself, although I trust Taffia's report. Small office staff friendly.

    I will be attending tomorrow for my 90 day stamp.

    There was an American guy there with his wife and he was informed to go to Nong Khai on the 12th next month to re-new his marriage Visa, so I would think it will be a while before they are fully up and running.

    An interesting point was the American told me that they did not give him a full 90 days that would run through his next re-newal but a date only up to 12th November, the3n its a clean start on your new visa, this if true is a good idea, because if you live some distance away, sometimes your next visit can be two weeks later, but wait and see if this procedure will be generally implemented.

    General report nice and easy location, lets hope there friendliness is not changed !!!!!!!!

  7. Just wondered if anyone is using the above ?

    If you have any experiences with them.

    1. What fee ? I have been told by my previous employer in GBP 2.74 per transaction.

    2. What exchange rate are the calculating ?

    I am asking as my previous employer are now giving me this option to have my money transferred into Thailand Bank..

    Having said that I have sent an email enquiry to Citibank.

  8. Those that have replied so far thanks it is nice to get different aspects of family life out here:

    Do any of you have a problem with the language barrier in conjunction to the family ?

    Do they show respect as I am sure you do to them ?

  9. I am just interested to see if members who have a Thai partner have family or actually live with the partners family:

    If your partner has children then I obviously assume you take care of them. ?

    Do you have your partners brothers and sisters living with you ?

    Do you have mother or father living with you. ?

    If any of the above apply have you encountered any cultural problems ?

  10. Up till the other day the above camera has been working well:

    Yesterday I went to use it at a Birthday Party the camera opened the lens opened but no image displayed hmmmmmmm.

    I have tried two different memory cards and reformatted but still no image displayed.

    Any ideas please

    Thanks in advance

  11. Macb has definitely a point and he’s got my rating for the topic.

    But the type of Thai lady you describe in your initial post indeed mainly refers to the ‘typical’ bar girl (I would argue). Farang men, married to these girls are unfortunately often those men as described by dondraper in post #8: “degenerated alcoholic losers”. But there are also many exceptions!

    The problem is you never see these exceptions! Young bar girls with their fat old farang men are unfortunately more visible than the ‘decent couple’ (Thai wife & Farang man) who are living with their children somewhere outside the city, far away from any bar.

    Most of the female Thai workforce is actually NOT working in bars. Many of them have just normal jobs (e.g. office, factory workers, etc…) and are willing to make their living without any bar work and/or selling their body. The problem though is that it can be very difficult for foreign men to access this network of ‘normal society’ because of cultural differences, language, etc… Therefore, it may be impossible for most foreign men to find an ‘ordinary’ Thai wife.

    So, what you see are all the bars, bar girls and their farang boyfriends. Don’t take me wrong; I don’t judge them in any ways! But this is basically what is visible to the tourists, foreign media, travel writers, etc… That’s why Thailand’s reputation has become like this.

    So, what I’m trying to say in essence is that I believe/hope that most farang men, married to Thai women are just normal couples living happily together, somewhere in this world. And yes, although I sometimes wanna strangle my (Thai) wife, I just LOVE Thai culture!

    Lol. That was a nice ending. Oh yea, love is the message! :D:):D

    I think macb will get his 10 pages (i.e. post 7)…

    Nice write up thanks for your support: I know it will draw negative and positive responses, lots of things on this Forum are informative educative and sometimes make people re-think about things I am sure or maybe not

  12. You have read the stories heard the tales seen it or took part :

    This Topic is meant to prompt a debate it is not meant or aimed at any individual.

    If it is seen to start flaming or degrading the culture then I will have it closed.

    So why come to live in Thailand and take a Thai wife, but then spend all the day sat in a bar drinking and your wife or g/f is know where to be seen. ?

    Why have the need to go to Pattaya on your own ?

    Is it because you think its acceptable ?

    Is it because you think well I have made there lifestyle better I pay for this and pay for that so I will do as I please ?

    As opposed relationships in your home country how should it be ?

    My view is 1. lady .1 man in a relationship if there is need for more then parties on either side should remain single !

  13. Equal access to finances, with a relationship in LOS? You've got to be joking.

    Why not ? if you are married

    If they lady wants to be with you for you and not your money good:

    If she wants to be with you because you give her money every month WRONG REASON :

    At the end of the day it up to the individual this thread is like so many others and will go on for ever.

    This situation that you have in this country is all the fault of us Farangs going back to the 2nd World War when services were paid for its now called salary.

    If you get a good lady and there not all bad, then best of luck and then share what you want

    Enough said

  14. Been there done that got the 'T'

    If you have to pay someone to be with you then its a business arrangement, they will stay with you for the money not because they want to be with you. And you will get Lip service not anything genuinely from the heart.

  15. I might have left the scene, but one does remember the mates one came across in my time there, and one of them was Martin.

    Thailand has enough Big 'C' with out having to adding another mate so get rid of it. I thought you might appreciate my jovial approach mate its dry like yours.

    As for the trapped nerve well I did warn you about jumping off wardrobes ages ago.

    Joking apart mate keep your chin up and get back to normal you have everyone's thoughts on here and well wishes and ignore the ones that try to put you down (Only the vet can do that hahaha)

  16. Stick to the rules for the country you live in then you cant go wrong: Listen to those that genuinely know the answers instead of surmising.

    In my opinion its very important not to allow Topics like enquiries about visa to go off track as it can be very confusing for Newbies

    Thanks every one for the advise it is much appreciated, does any one know if I get a copy of a letter or statement from my Bank in England stating that i have 800,000 baht in my account if this will be accepted by the Immigration officer in Thailand. Plus i will be staying in Buayai in the North East about 70 kilometres from Khonkean, any one know which immigration office i will have to attend

    Cheers Brian

    If Buyai is in Khon Khen Province then If I am correct you will need to attend Nong Khai office as Nong KHai Immigration now services Khon Khen as of last year, I am sure the Mods will know better than me, looking at the map Buyai seems to be Korat area ??


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