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Posts posted by Evobase

  1. On 12/8/2020 at 9:37 AM, Jingthing said:

    You still can use those words that way but you'd need to be more clear from the context what you actually mean as those usages would now be secondary. However, language usage does change rapidly for many words so it must be convenient for you to have a group of "othered" people to blame for your displeasure about this particular change. Personally, I think that people complaining as you have are simply expressing homophobia in a less direct way. 


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  2. 16 hours ago, Teee said:

    Bit stupid of him not to check before he got on the flight from Bkk to Sri Lanka that SL closed the border already for 'tourist'.

    Why did he travel? Does he not understand what is going on in the world???

    As for being held in detention centre back in Bkk, correct...as i hear they have stopped VOA now so he would not be entitled to a new visa.


    Tough on him but rules are rules.




  3. I just returned to the US from Thailand 3 weeks ago. I went back to my job and a week later was told that I would be laid off next week. I have applied for unemployment benefits which come to about 60K baht a month. I have some savings and am considering going back to Thailand until this ‘blows over’ which could be months. 

    Will Thailand let me in as an American? 
    Are quarantines in effect for international arrivals? 
    Any information would be very helpful. Thank you in advance.

  4. Jews around the world need stand up and speak out against the atrocities committed by Israel. Until then, unfortunately, they will be viewed as complicit in the crimes against humanity. Being against the policies of Israel is not ‘anti semitic’. Jews who speak out against the terrorism that Israel commits are not ‘self hating Jews’. Stand up and speak out or risk being viewed as oppressors. 

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  5. I have been in Chiang Mai Province for 9 days now. The first few days were in the city. It was great to visit people and places from past travels. I use Chiang Mai City as a hub for my travels. I rented a motorbike for 5000 baht/month and spend my time traveling many provinces in the North. There is plenty for me to see and do. Yes, the air quality isn’t great and I hope the farmers and others who burn would find a better alternative. I have no interest going to Southern Thailand. Too many bad tourists and a bit more expensive. I prefer the mountains and roads on the motorbike. 
    If one is here for the bars and girls, just stay home. You can do that there.

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