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David T Pike

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Everything posted by David T Pike

  1. Guilty until proven innocent... ????
  2. Protecting those who perform the worlds oldest profession!
  3. It's doing a helluva lot better than it was 10 years ago!
  4. OK fine! Cannabis can stand on its own as a healing herb.
  5. You can't make this sh-t up! Would this have been printed if someone was shot dead?
  6. The photo looks like they are handing out condoms to a bunch of horney old sex-pats at a girly bar! LOL!
  7. Just in case you interested... https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-jo-recover-from-her-crash-and-get-home?qid=30dc338d6def791773ff82685dfdb1a0
  8. Haters gonna hate. What is your views on alcohol vs cannabis? Which one is more dangerous and deadly? Which one can treat disease? Which one is legal?
  9. You dont see "badly trained" German shepherds or Labradors tearing off peoples junk! Where the hell do you think they got their name from? Pit Bulls were bred for Blood Sport's being performed in pits! They should be banned just as blood sports have been! Period.
  10. Ground zero was found to be the Pattaya Police Station.
  11. The earliest use of the cross symbol was found in Egypt way before the Christian era... History shows that the cross was used centuries before Christ. For example, in the British Museum is a statue of the Assyrian king Samsi-Vul, son of Shalmaneser. Around his neck is an almost perfect Maltese cross. On an accompanying figure, that of Ashur-nasir-pal, is a similar cross. The ancient Greek goddess Diana is pictured with a cross over her head, in much the same way the "Virgin Mary" is represented by many medieval artists. Bacchus, the Greek god of wine, is often pictured wearing a headdress adorned with crosses. Different types of crosses were used in Mexico centuries before the Spaniards arrived. The Egyptians used cross symbols in abundance, as did the Hindus.
  12. Were they found with their seatbelts still on? That may have been a factor of not being able to get out.
  13. WOW! I never knew that Covid was nocturnal! ????
  14. Now for the big question. Was he insured? Inside job? Sounds like angry relatives that weren't getting there monthly sack of rice. It was personal!
  15. Have you seen the cost of plane tickets lately? One to Israel is close to 30,000thb. They could keep him in a Thai Jail and feed him rice and peanuts for 5 years for the cost on that ticket!
  16. It can also help treat: Pain Helping To Decrease Opioid Use Anxiety Epilepsy Glaucoma HIV/AIDS Symptoms Inflammatory Bowel Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome Movement Disorders Due to Tourette Syndrome Multiple Sclerosis Nausea and Vomiting Related to Cancer Chemotherapy Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Sleep Problems https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/cannabis-marijuana-and-cannabinoids-what-you-need-to-know#:~:text=Are cannabis or cannabinoids helpful,loss associated with HIV%2FAIDS.
  17. For one, Cannabis does not need to be smoked. It can be vaped or eaten as edibles. As most people are aware, smoking tobacco carries many serious risks. These include lung cancer, many other cancers, heart disease, COPD, strokes and a wide range of other conditions. On the whole, smoking kills around 480,000 people each year in the U.S., and is the leading preventable cause of death in the country. I should have said treated instead of it being curative but it has been proven that it may cure many maladies. https://herb.co/news/health/5-common-illnesses-didnt-know-marijuana-can-cure/
  18. I suppose that cannabis is one of those "drugs". Laughable. SMH. What other countries outside of Communist ones are they allowed to take your urine without permission or probable cause?
  19. and there you are assaulted by ear drum piercing Xmas music starting in OCTOBER!!!! ARRGGG!!!!!
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