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David T Pike

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Everything posted by David T Pike

  1. Don't freak out.... No biggy yet... https://ijr.com/omicron-detected-in-38-countries-but-officials-says-the-variant-hasnt-claimed-a-single-life/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=ijr-newsletter&utm_campaign=daily&utm_content=firefly&fbclid=IwAR1_JjDGEjoJmQ-2EVu32fGjvAkat7xIjJj025twD6DQQi1b2W8L0Ixy4hY
  2. That was using Chrome. Tried Firefox and there was no problem getting in....
  3. That was using Chrome. Used Firefox and had no problem signing up... Go figure...
  4. OK. I cry "Uncle!". But I feel blessed to have been born and raised speaking English and am not reliant on tourism and having to learn the major languages like English, Spanish, German, French and soon Mandarin to assure my success. I struggle with languages but can order a beer and ask where's the toilet in the top 4. What else do you need?
  5. OK. I cry "Uncle!". But I feel blessed to have been born and raised speaking English and am not reliant on tourism and having to learn the major languages like English, Spanish, German, French and soon Mandarin to assure my success. I struggle with languages but can order a beer and ask where's the toilet in the top 4. What else do you need? ????
  6. "I have always been amused by immigration here... one language they should not need is Thai!". If they didn't speak Thai then they would have to have all the Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan languages spoken at every office! Good luck with that! ????
  7. Oh I understand. But IMHO just because your home language is not one of the Internationally used Indo-European or Sino-Tibetan languages doesn't mean that you should be held responsible for speaking them to your guests.
  8. I suppose that Thai tourists in the USA expect you to speak Thai? No they don't! So we should not expect Thais to speak English either! Learn the language of the country that you are a guest of!
  9. You know that is some stock photo... "found the drugs concealed in paint drums" but it looks like this heroin was packed to look like snacks or something else so they would not have been put in paint drums! ????
  10. I thank goodness that I quit drinking 3 years ago... But if I was still the lounge lizard I used to be I would be FURIOUS!!! ???? ????????
  11. Let me expound... I have never seen any patrol cars pulling over cars, trucks or scooter for infractions. Yes they love their toys but don't use them for their intended purpose.
  12. I NEVER see patrol cars here. I have never seen anyone pulled over for infractions! It's Mad Max out here! The only tickets I know of are the one cameras take and are mailed! Who cares what the laws are broke if they are not enforced and prosecuted? Believe it or not there are low income farangs over here but ya don't see THEM 3 or 4 on a bike or have toddlers with them! You play ya pay! Sadly the kids have no say in this....
  13. The article was talking about Northern Thailand, I was speaking about Chiang Mai!!! ????
  14. Duh! You have to have International flights and actual approved ASQ hotels before you get any tourist right? ???????? As far as I know there are none of each! ????
  15. 18,922 is exactly 1% of 1,875,315 These odds don't call for any lock downs! Why would a country want to "hobble" their economy, which relies so much on tourism, for these odds??? ???? That is the same death average of the common flu!!!
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