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Everything posted by Tatman95

  1. poor chap ok he questioned his bill but there is no need of that he was not cheap charlie he was being buying drinks for the ladys being in good spirit knowing what the bar girls are like not all of them he had more drinks added to his bill , because he was in good spirits pay every time if you think you paid to much the first bill leave straight away
  2. good i hope she learns her lesson in thought russians had free visa
  3. For sure And it's going to get lot worse The country is totally <deleted>
  4. That is brilliant What a plonker I would of love to seen that especially after a spliff
  5. Makes me laugh 1 minute the government legalise ganja And by the way what lovely smoke it is not to strong nice smoke A Now they want to introduce casinos I can guarantee this big big mistake This will cause big problems for many falangs and thai
  6. It's all about the Money Money Money Money No money No honey
  7. Horrible people Horrible nation Good riddance to all Russians Nobody likes you
  8. So true I just don't understand the thai police what so ever It feels like to me they are scared of the Russians Horrible people Horrible nation No personality No maners No nothing
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