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Posts posted by sucit

  1. On 10/27/2021 at 6:01 AM, Danderman123 said:

    Isn’t posting misinformation in the middle of an epidemic unacceptable?

    There isn’t misinformation yet. There is a lack of information.


    People just do not get it.

    One side is saying: “the vaccine is fine, it’s been studied and researched and the govt has approved it”. 


    Well, that simply is not true. Just look at the facts and how all other vaccines are handled. This one was rushed. That’s a fact. There is no denying this.


    In the end, it comes down to a group of people believing things that are yet to be proven. It’s very simple. Provaxxers are saying “it’s all ok,” when they don’t know that is the case yet, we don’t know of the long term effects of the vaccine. It’s a sharp contrast to what vaccine skeptics are saying, which is “we don’t know yet”… which is the TRUTH, no matter how you slice it. Whether you’re old or at risk and wanna take it is fine, but there is no doubt who is on the right side of this argument. 

    Put another way, even if the vaccine proves to be perfectly safe in ten years, you are still wrong… because you were claiming the vaccine has been properly researched and we know future side effects when we did not. The other side who claim “we don’t know yet” will still have been right in this case. So you’ve wound yourselves into a lose lose argument without even knowing it, which is hardly unusual. 

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  2. You know there were people who argued smoking was ok, and not harmful in the 90’s. The big executives even got up there and told everyone their product was fine. And for decades all those in the know knew cigs were not fine. 

    It’s not exactly the same but there are definitely some strong parallels. If you find yourself agreeing with large corporations, history has shown us you opinion has most likely basically been bought and manipulated. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    You are in the minority then.  The majority of us who are vaccinated are angry at those who won't...mainly for ridiculous and selfish reasons.  Time to end this foolishness.  Time to get tough with the hold outs.  Their decisions have a direct impact on our lives.  So no, it's not up to them.



    Your opinions are what you want to have a direct impact on lives of those around you. People who don’t want to vax want everyone to do exactly as they please. You have it backwards. The moment you truly make an effort to understand this distinction, is the moment you realize you’re wrong. The conversation may be different (and you may have a point) if it was a vaccine with a decade or so research behind it’s possible side effects. But that isn’t the case, and the vaccine also is not proven to provide long term protection vs people’s natural immunity (in fact the opposite seems to be the case at this point). 

    why are they prohibiting the use of some of these vaccines in Denmark and other countries? Why don’t the companies that manufacture the vaccines take responsibility for possible side effect, as they do with other medicines? And a million other questions none of you will answers, because there are no answers except for the rhetoric the governments are feeding you and you ate hook line and sinker. I can’t get over that, who actually believes governments? 

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  4. It will end when governments stop trying to control something they clearly cannot control.


    I don’t understand why it’s going to take a decade and be far too late to understand  things that have been clear for a very longtime. You can’t stop Covid. You have to live with it. All Covid regulations and restrictions should be immediately stopped, that way we are just dealing with the virus, and not the virus PLUS the wake all these regulations leave for everyone.

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  5. 4 hours ago, 300sd said:

    Now Merck is trying to get a covid pill passed by FDA. It is supposed to relieve the symptoms of covid if one is infected and mostly prevent serious infection and hospitalization. This is also what a vaccine does if one has a breakthrough infection. A treatment makes more sense to me since covid can not be eradicated. It is in the animal population. It's always going to be here. So does this mean we will always be required to get a vaccine booster every 6 months, or lose our freedoms? If this is the case then personally I'll take "dangerous freedom  over peaceful slavery". (Thomas Jefferson)

    Wow it is refreshing to see there are people with sense still around. 

    I think most people deserve to lose their rights, and I would not sulk for a minute at the prospect. You give in and blindly follow governments and corporations, follow the masses without a second thought, and also try to take away choices from your fellow citizens about their own health, you deserve nothing. You are a pitiful human being if you feel that way. 

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  6. There seems to be news popping up of Brazil about to legitimize Bitcoin as an official payment system something or other. I obviously don’t know the details. 

    what I do know is every time there is a development, it’s always… oh, that just little El Salvador. Oh never mind that, it’s just Brazil they are nobodies. Oh, it’s outperforming everything even after a huge crash, that’s worthless. It’s gonna get banned. And on, and on 

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  7. 23 hours ago, MarcelV said:

    Then why is northern Thailand so unscathed? I think cultural habits pay a big role and in the deep south the vaccination rates are lower, people gather in large groups more, many people don't wear masks and muslims in general are much more likely to touch each other than buddhists are.

    I live in the deep south, so I pretty much see and hear what's going on around me.

    I don’t know the stats but assuming the north is unscathed as you say, my assertions is it will soon catch up. I’ve said this many times actually and it always happens, but people are never convinced. They think there are going to be panaceas that did the “right thing” and avoided everything. That is not how this is working. If you are in an unaffected area, no matter what you do, it’s coming. 

    Personally looking at the patterns, I think what happens is single individuals who house concentrated virus do the bulk of the spreading. So one guy infects 10 people in a minivan from Bangkok. No data just what I think since the infection areas seem so spotty. 

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