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Everything posted by KayDeeDee

  1. So the Chicken and the Hawk got into a Little tussle !!
  2. Looks like a little B & D , She looks like she is enjoying it and employee too
  3. They should be deported to Ukraine
  4. Hello , Does any one know the current Cost for building a House per square Meter ? Thanks
  5. Lots of good information here
  6. Fish from the River carry the parasite . Dirty River water is the problem .
  7. Sounds Like a Great Idea to me
  8. Thanks for all the advice , i think form a small company for the small farm , see a Lawyer about creating a Will. I do not think there would be a need for an Usufruct , but I'll let a Lawyer advise me . Thanks again .
  9. Hello , I have a question about land ownership . I have been married to my Thai wife for some 10 years now . We own 5 rai date palm farm with some 60 trees and a small Cabin on it . It is in the wife's name Obviously and we also have a Plot of land that we are going to build a new House on . My Question is what if something were to happen to my wife , dies ( God For Bid ) also she has NO Relatives What happens to the Land ownership ? I know i can own the New House & small cabin , But what about the Land ? Thanks for your factual Opinion Regards Ken
  10. Is this a Thai Football match red card / yellow card ?
  11. OMG !! and Holy Shxt , Next time in the Neck or chest
  12. Thanks for the link /thread , Whats the point of a Forum if you can't ask a simple question ?
  13. I am Just wondering what are the differences between the 2 Visa's ? Retirement Vs Marriage Visa
  14. Boy , when ever you mention Climate Change the Climate Nuts / Cult fanatic's come out of the wood work . And Nothing is ever said about China or India !!
  15. Climate Change is Only about Money , Control and Power
  16. Thanks , That's for online Pot purchase
  17. I would like to know what Companys do online shopping like "AMAZON" in Thailand ? Thank you
  18. Stop wondering , your going to give yourself a Headache !!
  19. Thanks for the good Advice Spouse visa is the preferred method
  20. Thanks for the response to my question . Marriage Visa then change over to Retirement visa would be the way to go here . Not trying to game the system at all , just hate to tie up some $ 22,000 dollars , that's all .
  21. Hello to all , I would like to get some information regarding The Thai Marriage Visa . I have been married to a Thai woman for past 10 tears and living in the U.S.A. In the next year we are planning to move back to Thailand where we have some land in N.E. and build our new house . I would expect to get the marriage Visa in the first year . My Question is after a few years my Thai wife wants to return to the U.S.A. for Work / Employment and I would stay living in Thailand . What Happens to my Marriage Visa ? while I stay in Thailand and she goes back to U.S.A. Regards Kenny Dee
  22. Hello Pawpcorn , You need to Chill out
  23. Hello there , I am interested in the Thai Ridge back , Nice looking Dog , any more details about this Breed . Also im interested in a Good watch dog maybe German Shepherd any breeders in Thailand ? and Bull Dogs .
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