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  1. Which officer has to be informed thereof?
  2. Which Dept. Of local government. It's not the noise issue I'm talking about , it's which authority is responsible for policing the renting and hotel laws and licensing aspect.
  3. Unless you are on Samui.
  4. After 5 hours none of the respondents have been able to answer my question;(which government authority is responsible for policing short term rentals)
  5. Which government office is responsible for policing the law on short term rentals?
  6. CFCol

    Proof of Life

    For which country. All have different requirements.
  7. If it is not taxable, the accountant does not show it on the pnd91 so the taxman wouldn't know about it,(only assessable income requires to be reported)
  8. Sorry, dyslexic fingers. Should read "coccinellids reagent"
  9. Why would you pour coccinellids reagent into your food? The mind boggles.
  10. Only any assessible funds that you remit require a tax filing and if they are less than your tax threshold, you don't have to file but can if you want.(director of revenue ,Koh Samui, last week)
  11. There's that chicken with its head in the sand again
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