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  1. That's all very well but state pensions in the UK do not come from "social security funds".
  2. It is my understanding from the data that government service pensions are exempt but uk old age pensions are not.
  3. How long have you lived in Thailand. If it's less than 15 years, you are still entitled to vote in general elections and therefore have an MP for your last UK address. Write to your MP. That will get them moving.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 143 seconds  
  5. What if you are a tax resident and not a tourist?
  6. No it's not peculiar to that IO. It's the same here on Samui. Last year we spent a night away from our normal home. 5 months later, when doing annual extensions, Immigration made us get and produce new TM 30's, ( at least they didn't try to go down the fine option)
  7. Setting up a nominee company to buy land is illegal and the Thai authorities are chasing these companies. If you don't have a Thai wife whose name you can put the land title in, then your only safe option is to lease the land.
  8. Yes, in the UK, not from overseas.
  9. Don't know where your getting your figures from, but I would change your policy. I came off my bike and broke my collarbone, (Dec 2023), requiring to have a metal plate put in. The Thai government insurance pays B30,000 and my class 1 paid B50,000. So a total of B80,000 for the same premium as you are paying for your not so good policy.
  10. My wife was in the same boat earlier this month. The answer is yes, you can get a re-entry permit valid to the end date of your visa.
  11. The fine used to be ; Driver with no helmet, B500 Passenger with no helmet,B1000 It the changed 2 or three years ago. Driver with no helmet,B400 Can't remember what the passenger went down to. B150 must have been a brown envelope job.
  12. You don't know what you are talking about. In UK, arrest and restraint training is mandatory.

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