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Posts posted by Pilchard

  1. From a sociological stand point over the last decade I have observed most of this entitlement attitude coming from Europeans where social programs are part of the political environment; Scandinavians, Netherlanders, Englishmen and a few Germans. So the real issue is how this attitude of entitlement became systemic and why do these types of people find it acceptable to sponge off others? Is this a metamorphous of socialist societies? What is the attraction and support network of places like kpg that makes these people feel at home and validated?

    All i can comment on this is that in my own scandinavian country, this system has been so used over the years that they now started to tighten up social security benefits even for the ones that actually qualify for it. I myself is infact one of these victims, where i´ve been a VERY good taxpayer for 17 years and now due to medical issues are not able to do my former profession. I am legally qualified for some soc.sec founds wich are talking so far 6 mos and will take possible even 6 more to recieve due to investigations. Am i right to get it or not. Because so many that shouldnt have these founds, claim them and lived as doped out hippies in koh pagnan (and elsewhere), now people that needs it dont get it. They where forced to thighten up the rules so the system gets harder to use. Result of it i saw when i recently visited Sweden. People with diagnosed cancer and estimated 6 months left to live, dont qualify for money and are on waitinglists, so that they cant pay their rent. When i see these fully functional scandinavians sitting over here and enjoying life with the taxmoney i paid, i want to throw up. :o .

    So, you´re a hippie- free spirit- cool- relaxed lifestyle - woman or man in kpg. You dont have money. Well, heres an idea: Get a job!

    17 years of taxes probably just about paid for your education and health care, if you'd paid for 50 years you might have a point.

    but isn't this you

    Machine engineering / robot programming for 12 years. Swore 2,5 years ago i would never go back, but i did a short comeback for 4 months this summer. Terrible! bah.gif

    Over here i tend to do pretty much nothing allthough i sometimes involve myself in our small electric company in Bangkok. It´s owned by me, runned by my wife, and the actuall work done by staff, hahaha. I do mostly the "representation". I´m very good at organizing good nights out for the customers. laugh.gif . Other than that small exports of things to Sweden and sold in our shop there. However the good weather over here makes me too lazy, i should work more but just can´t do it. The fact that i am now without a workpermit gives me a good reason to stay out of things when my wife ask for help. "Sorry, i´m not aloud", laugh.gif .

    You have a shop in Sweden and a business in Bangkok , you don't sound unable to work or in need of your governments social security to me.

    Ooop ! nearly forgot the smiley :D

  2. Did my border bounce as usual with my 1 year non B visa .

    Sent off my work permit for updating and got a new response.

    I was told that the law has changed now and that I need to supply company papers, TAT reg, and some other papers and that in return I will get my work permit valid for the year same as my visa.

    Not understanding the list of papers required (written in Thai) I'll have to get my employer to sort it out for me.

    The list of documents sounded similar to that required for the original WP application.

    Anyone else come across this yet ?

  3. Not a big fan of mini buses so I always drive myself down south.

    Needed Mr Herbert's help for my last 2 visa's and have met him and his convoy down at Hat Yai,then followed them down to the border.

    For me he was very well organized and every one got the visa they requested.

    I do get the feeling he has a little time for people who can't follow simple instructions tho.

    Very straight talking bloke with a good sense of humor IMO

  4. Given the hair-trigger of some moderators, this thread and the OP must have been judged acceptable and not skirting the fringes of defamation. So we can conclude it is all true.

    The only defamatory thing I've read in this thread so far is your post describing the OP as " the rube, the "John," the easy mark"

    Rube: an awkward, unsophisticated person from a rural area

    The Mark: The target of a confidence trick

    A John: Customer of a street prostitute (USA)

  5. Do you need a lawyer for legal matters or just an accountant, book keeper?

    If the second one, I suggest Samui Business (Mr Suthep). In Samui/Phangan/Koh Tao many falang-owned business use his services.

    About Asia Travel, look like they are again on the immigration police target about fake or made-easy visa. Recently two friends of mine got all their passports photocopied and immigration ask them about Asia Travel and about strange Non/B made in Germany or Switzerland, Now they are very worry about it.

    Spend more, get more...


    I've a company and same like you and i've the obligation in worms the Thai authorities. I'd like to change my lawyer and take a new on Koh Phangan, if it's possible. That's all!

    I've no house, no land and nothing that Thai laws can be take to me. I've just a small business and i don't need a best lawyer, just an office approved by the authorities, including for accountancy, where the people will be able to take care of my business (for example each year: make a Thai Audit and Reporting Requirements; who pays the SSO, etc.).

    Nobody on this island works with a lawyer on Koh Phangan? There are only the drug's dealer here? I don't think so. :o

    Thank you, and please Pilchard, stop your bullshits :D

    Making visa with agent = Not legal (against the law)

    Update work permit with agent = legal (if you sign over power of attorney saying they can act on your behalf)

    Lawyer = One whose profession is to give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters

    Accountant= responsible for financial reporting, taxation, auditing ect

    It ain't that hard really ! :D

  6. Thats about as useful as I can be then so sorry about that, I am sure however that the office looks open most days when I drive past.

    I thought the office was down at the back of Time Square past the shirt shops.

    Do they have another, which one are you driving past ?

  7. A call to the fire station and the promise of some whiskey could bring some high pressure hoses to clean the road. Just an idea .

    Personally I think it should be at the cost of the land owners whose unsealed roads or newly cleared land is the cause of sand spilling on to the public roads.

    I won't be holding my breath tho :o

  8. he was also at the source pub in the soi reggae last night according to one of my friend working there, she was so excited to tell me that , that she forgot his name and she felt down when i asked her who is that guy.

    Wow, she really was excited ! :o

  9. Any farang name on company papers seems to ring alarm bells at some land offices these days. You have to prove your Thai partners money didn't come from you which would make them nominees and illegal.

    As trust doesn't seem to be an issue in your case you could take yourself off the company , buy the house , put yourself back on.

    When in Rome ect..

    Done deal ;-)

  10. im confused how all of this works.

    you need connections to sell drugs on a small island right? drugs in america are controlled by gang territory. you cant just set up shop on any corner. so for him to operate 10 years

    1. how does he get started in the first place?

    2. how does he make the connections needed?

    3. once he has those connections why go latin america->bkk why not just get local stuff?

    Just go to www.iwannabeadrugdealer.com to download your free starter pack (30 day free trial) :o

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