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  1. You can change price setting to include tax on Agoda too. They target Asians and they fall for those tricks, fake discounts, popups, hidden taxes. Even I went to buy mattress and asked lady how come there's 75% discount. Seller said it's for Thais, they like big discounts but it's not real. Original price is random.
  2. What restaurant you go to? Carbonara shouldn't be sweet. I recommend almond cheescake. It's superb compared to most 'home' bakes here at a fraction of the price.
  3. Oo, guy is asking if they can cancel without his consent. You asked for it and gave them passport. You can have anything done for you if you sign power of attorney..
  4. Boi work permits can be canceled online with a single click in a second. Visa is yours to cancel. They can't cancel it.
  5. My company uses them. I participate to enjoy 15% tax exemption but nothing more that that. They don't know how to invest money. They are actually loosing them for most of my coworkers. I hope we will change company soon.
  6. Why have a kid whe you are so old? You probably won't be there for 18 birthday, this is genuine question l, I am curious what drives people like you
  7. So they know she's not smart enough to make it on her own.
  8. If family encorouges a woman to go to the city look for a foreigner, there is something very wrong with them.
  9. Thai are immature and dangerous. Many don't show any brain activity. I usually avoid. I honked once at a truck that tried to kill me with dangerous manouvrr and guy caught up to me at an intersection to fight, but he gave up after he saw I was white.
  10. I logged in to a website. Input dates and sent the form. Approved in 3 hours for free without going out. Why not do it yourself?
  11. Wow, so this is what poor Thai girls have to watch usually..
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