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  1. Please close the thread i have no more to say on this matter thanks , Kind Regards .Popa
  2. Not true, I was asked who are you staying with; that to me is my private life and in a tone as if was dirty old man, come on is this a really nice way to welcome some one into your country and you say the thread is a chit chat about nothing ,,, come on. Kind regards Popa
  3. I was wheeled from plane door right through to my taxi ,what other way do I describe it.. Kind Regards Popa.
  4. Come on , I spend 3 or 4 months in Thailand as tourist with big gaps between these trips, that's not living in Thailand . Kind Regards Popa
  5. Poor assumption you are wrong on this one , like Andre0720 says just wait some years and you will understand...Kind Regards Popa.
  6. Come on mate , I only said a few words to her softly, do think i am silly I been coming here a long time .i know not to stir them up, The way you talk on here as it was me giving her a hard time , that is incorrect . Kind Regards Popa
  7. When visiting Thailand and coming through IO I am always well dressed.. kind Regards POPA
  8. I suggest you all have a look at the article in Bangkok Post in new Thai Visas arrivals , you will see a video called dive deeper , there is a Thai government minister on there stating back to back Visa are okay and quite openly has endorsers long stay VE , why don't these people get it right , I would be happier they said only 3 VE' and you can only stay up to 4 months total then we would know what to do. Regards POPA
  9. I not live in Thailand i come as a tourist don't need long term O Visa and oh i would not be touching Elite visa at 81 years your joking every day is a bonus at my age. Kind Regards POPA
  10. I have spent 44 years coming to Thailand and have always picked a male immigration officers were i can ,this time i was in a wheelchair and did not chose this one , there was only 2 wheelchair booths working, there was one male who had a long queue who were all avoiding the lady, with no one queued with the lady,I won't get caught next time . There is the right and the wrong way to go through immigration. kind Regards Popa
  11. Yes all in all I properly got this immigration officer on her bad day , I have had plenty other pleasant lady immigration officers. Kind Regards Popa .
  12. I never said i had never been asked , sure i been asked many times , but in a polite voice ,even one time joking with 2 immigration officers. Kind Regards Popa
  13. Come on mate , what attitude , I hardly said a word and what I said was polite . Kind Regards Popa.
  14. No problem, Icame 3 VE the year before and the year before that, be doing it consistent for more than 20 years except for Covid, first time this has happen . Kind Regards Popa
  15. Been to Vietnam many times ,, they hardly said word and treated me in a polite manner. Kind Regards Popa
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