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  1. Just like the "ghost" tower on the bank of the Chao Phraya in Bangkok.
  2. Quality tourists! You wanted them, you have then.
  3. Same with the Légion d’”honneur” in France. It has become a trinket for retired politicians, has-been actors, rape-friendly rappers and so forth.
  4. Same here. I did once many years ago and never repeated the (scary) experience.
  5. The smell and the noise must be horrendous. And how many toilets?
  6. Surprise! Surprise! When are people going to understand transitioning is dangerous if done without a proper dysphoria diagnostic. The transgender lobby should be resisted and young people warned about its nefarious activities. How many similar cases have been recorded so far? Such testimonies should be front-page news. The "doctors" who perform unnecessary transition surgeries should be prosecuted and kicked out of the medical profession.
  7. It is time Westerner stopped the guilt trip. Unfortunately, leftist parties thrive on the new anti-white racism for ideological or political reasons. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has been too spineless to confront the Woke trend. The same can be said in countries like mine (France), Germany, UK, Sweden and many other. Add to that the pro-immigration, pro-islamist EU under the dictatorship of empress van de Leyen. The only European leader with balls is Viktor Orban All others are wimps.
  8. You missed my sarcasm.
  9. Maybe the do-gooders could take care of those dogs. They should take them home.
  10. Can it, really? If it could (or would, more likely) there might be fewer incidents of this kind.
  11. What is your definition of common sense?
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