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  1. Only my opinion any person that owns a Pit Bull have little person syndrome or are mentally challenged. Hope the child recovers from this traumatic episode.
  2. if they followed true Buddhist beliefs & they would abstain from all Alcohol & killing animals
  3. Saving on accommodation allows Indians to buy more Coca Cola & Straws too &share with their buddies.
  4. TAT quality tourists at it again πŸ˜’
  5. Normal Thai driving excessive speed & no idea how too drive. Buffalo & Cart more suitable for them.
  6. Hiding out in Issan . Missed his sons birthday πŸŽ‚ what a Cur.
  7. TAT need to start implementing a $20.00 arrival tax & $20.00 departure tax, that will deter these low life cheap Charlie Scumbags
  8. Closet Queen . I was just parting your hair hahaha πŸ˜†.
  9. Fierce brawl hmmmm. These pussies couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag or knock the top off a rice pudding
  10. I'd do that when I get my utility bills in Australia πŸ˜„
  11. Good but different I suppose. I've heard of private parts dripping in diamonds bet never gold leaf each to their own I suppose πŸ˜†
  12. Shamefully taking work from Thai nationals. Really they're only chicken farmers raising cocks or maybe Wholesellers
  13. Hey Ruscky if you want too fight go home to the Russian front.
  14. Tch, Tch in this sooo Pious Land of no Prostitution.
  15. Christian will need protection in prison
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