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Everything posted by Mywayboy

  1. Handy just in case one gets cut short at the dinner table & unable too make the Dunny Dash. Innovative idea me thinks.
  2. Anyone else would have thier passport confiscated. He should be on Interpol most wanted 555
  3. All Russians Females & Males on Phuket have miserable looking faces , they must all be on thier Periods 😂 .
  4. Report states they are both Boxers . Trained disciplined Boxers would not behave in this manner bringing disrepute to the sport. 5 years inside then deport with a lifetime ban from The Kingdom .
  5. 10 years Bangkok Hilton ,then if they ever survive in there deport them never too return. Lived in Thailand for 7 years treat BIB with respect you get respect in return not hard too work out.
  6. Daylight Robbery or Nightlight Robbery.
  7. Ti's a wise man whom knows their own Father 😂
  8. Give him an all expenses paid 3 year holiday at The Bangkok Hilton, then send him back to neutral Switzerland never too return.
  9. Why do weak minded & physically & mentally challenged Males think it's ok to beat up on Females. Reason being, he is a Coward & would never ever face up to a male. Deport him revoke all visas never allow him to set foot in The Kingdom ever again .
  10. I understood Prostitution in The Kingdom is illegal. Maybe I misunderstood hmmmm !!!
  11. A lot of long time expats in Thailand I'm sure come here reinvent themselves tell all sorts of lies about their past. Sometimes think half of them are on Interpols most wanted 😂.
  12. Obese Sorry 🙏 Fat Swiss bully on kicking a Lady what a Drop kick. I always assumed Swiss were Neutral maybe that's a Falicy.
  13. Next immigration problem 2 Canadians masquerading as Chinese Confucius say man who <deleted> to much go blind 😂
  14. Planning to increase registration fees for sellers significantly me thinks. Typical Thai governments legalise something, then legislate laws at a later date. Some mothers do have em others let em live sadly 😂
  15. When will these Lads learn its the second hole from the back of the neck. C'mon it's not that hard 555
  16. Taylor Swift performed in Melbourne Australia airfares increased 30%. That's business sadly price gouging.
  17. Point is 9 year old boy has achieved this & you haven't 555. Well done young man.
  18. Thai Maths are never the most reliable. They don't need to increase the population they need to improve poverty & social security services. There are two classes Mega rich & majority Mega poor. Government needs to address this problem, not trying to increase Poverty
  19. They never mature past the age of 13 years old. No matter how old they are in years very immature people Male & Female .
  21. Does this apply to a person whom lives in Australia, but has only a British passport??
  22. There are 2 fellas present themselves alternate days outside Woolworths Melbourne suburb where I live. Both of them puffing on fags. Cigarettes now $70.00 a 40 pack in Oz now. Beggars Belief.
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