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Everything posted by Mywayboy

  1. 2 Bricks on the Scotum will fix his little antics he'll never do it again.
  2. When sentenced send him back to UK put him in general population prison he won't last all but a few days in there. Kr#*! Pedo
  3. Homburg are you in denial. Do you condone this Dispicable behaviour.
  4. Many Farang assume aliases & create a new personna in Asian Countries.
  5. Facial injuries there goes her Bar job for a while.
  6. Almost all senior citizen expansion in Thailand are either EX? Marines,SAS, CIA or some other reinvented self. I know one very well states he is Ex CIA every story is identical to Jason Bourne Movie 555. Just let him ramble gets hit Jollies I suppose.
  7. Meditating should they not be mediating hmmmm!!! 555
  8. Ok until they eat the baby sadly.
  9. They are bred to kill. Should not be allowed any country in this world.
  10. TAT òfficials have been visiting far to many weed shops truly delusional . Yer dreamin son.
  11. Typical Thai Male jealousy if I can't have you no one shall have you. RIP poor Lady as for him rot ,who cares.
  12. Chop tax on Wine it's ridiculous the amount they charge.
  13. 37 OMB. HIT every branch on the way down.
  14. He sold that car now he is driving a Rolls Royce maybe.
  15. The powers to be will be working hard on this to achieve No. 1 ranking on this. Or maybe lose FACE.
  16. Now Now they are only operating as Wholesellers or Chicken Farmers raising C$%ks.
  17. RIP little soul. This piece of human Excrement should be Stoned to death .Even that is not enough suffering for the piece of Sh$te
  18. I'm a Lawyer trust me , my mouths not moving.
  19. Sexual predators need to be Castrated then beaten to death. This poor girl will become the victim for the rest of her life.
  20. You forgot get her pregnant then leave her to find a rich foolish Farang
  21. Clown costume more appropriate I feel , with a big red nose modelled upon Ronald Mc Donald.
  22. Over opulent spending by Authorities which one are they B S about all of them.
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