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Everything posted by Mywayboy

  1. Dictatorships are harder to get rid of than White Ants.
  2. They have a complete floor dedicated for my paperwork in Thailand somewhere. Even takes 4 people to look at the computer whilst entering & retrieving data. TIT Sadly.
  3. I'm not old I'm a 78 year young Pirate still sailing the 7 Seas.
  4. Thai logic at work again. They would rather leave a rental property empty because their friend up the road is getting 100 baht more than they want. Dumb as @#$!%#$$. Rather than secure a good tenant for Nid Noi less. Amazing Thai logic.
  5. Thai pass back,quarantine, testing on arrival. I could go on & on but I don't want to depress you 5555
  6. I lived in Thailand for over 6 years. Never messed with Thai Ladies if they had a boyfriend or married trouble with a capital T. Always stayed under the radar & flew out the other side. We don't know the full Story , but I hope he will learn from his little episode with Thai Males they hunt in packs never attack solo.
  7. Baht totally overvalued for many years. Falsely inflated by the powers to be for years I'm afraid.
  8. One man unconscious the other one stabbed hmmmm! 50 BIB WHAT AN INCOMPETENT BUNCH OF TOOLS. You couldn't make up a story like this TIT 555
  9. Not training for subduing Drunk & Aggressive Thai Men. Always dirty Farang causing big problems 5555.
  10. Set up Soi Dog Foundation like Phuket has an excellent facility. Don't lay blame on the dogs the whole of Thailand has this problem. Blame the entire Thai Human population they don't get their animals cut & they breed in uncontrolled numbers.
  11. Typical Bogans full of grog & bad manners + beer belly Bravado. No excuses here stay away from Thailand we dont want your types here.
  12. Maybe changed nationality & gender to confuse BIB. Not hard to do.
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