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Everything posted by Mywayboy

  1. Give Thais a brain transplant then teach them to drive. Until they loose that must be first all the time or I loose face attitude things will only get worse each year.
  2. That's why chickens don't cross the road in Thailand. RIP Dear Lady God rest your soul.
  3. Another Flying Pink Elephant in the sky,it ain't going to work.
  4. They coming with concrete barriers around them & of course underground power supply. Maybe real smart with solar power.
  5. They must have checked out my boxes of files in that special Bangkok building & decided no more room for his paperwork.
  6. He didnt share the takings with the right people. Never seen a Police Force like if anywhere in the civilized world ,not that Thailand is civilized.
  7. Hitler once stated take it little by little from the people and they will never notice until everything is gone. That's how this guy worked no offers of huge returns.
  8. Are they going to Castrate him before he gets out of Prison. That'll stop him .
  9. He will just be posted elsewhere. The poor child will be traumatized for the rest of her life. Disgusting once again preying on children in Thailand. Grrrr!!!
  10. Nothing astound me about Thailands Government stupidity or lack of lateral thinking. Something's never change.
  11. When the teachers here have brains like balls of Snot what hope do the pupils have. I rest me case your Honour
  12. I'm visiting Thailand July 2022. I understand for visitor 30 days visa not required. Am I able to extend this stay another 30 days .
  13. <deleted> I want to be an Issan Rice Farmer. I'll stick to being a Brain Surgeon much sought after in Thailand.
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