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  1. IF they do allow gay marriage, which I doubt they will. They may do as Taiwan does - only allowing marriage between people from countries in which it is legal.
  2. I arrive on Sunday, September 28th. I'm unvaccinated but had a 72 hour pcr test. Nobody asked for my test, not at departure or arrival in BK. Passport control was effortless and quick. In fact, it was easier than '19 as I wasn't expected to fill out an arrival card.
  3. What is the logic behind a 12 o'clock closure time; is covid more infectious after 12?
  4. Maybe do some research homework before you start writing. Generalisation is boring and lazy. I've lived in Thailand for more than 4 years and I've never met anyone that cared much about being called or labeled as farang. Also, what are all these racially charged words invented and used mostly by farangs? Most groups of people have derogatory words for groups that are different from their own, but in the west (unlike many Asian countries that I've been to) words like that are not acceptable in normal conversation. Your opinion of both Western society and farang in Thailand doesn't seem to be shaped by real-life experience.
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