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Posts posted by FrOgSbEaK

  1. On 2/15/2020 at 10:25 AM, EricS said:

    Actually I think he started too early probably before there were enough people out yet to shoot. I think they said he started at like 4AM yesterday and it sounds like he probably chickened out because if he fired 20 shots with one of those riffles he could have hit people if he wanted to it’s not that hard you don’t have to be that skilled with it to shoot people at close range. I think he flipped out probably heard about the shooting up here last week and wanted to make his own statement I guess. Then it looks like he got out there and probably still wanted to show people that he was serious at least so he fired some ammunition but I think he realized it was yesharder than he thought to take a life that’s what it sounds like happened. I didn’t hear what kind of rifle he had but if he fired 20 shots I’m assuming it was some kind of an automatic rifle or maybe he just had a hunting rifle or something with a lot of bullets who knows.

    Next time if you start feeling like causing mayhem and carnage please consider a game of Grand Theft Auto no body really gets hurt it’s fake blood and no prison time. Just a tip. 

    Yes you nailed it. Plus he little <deleted> was probably a wannabeamerican

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