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  1. Looks like this boy could use some help https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/teenager-caught-camera-sexually-assaulting-32349887
  2. Except for this at the end of the original article "Police have indicated they will charge him with reckless driving causing death. " Not sure how this was overlooked in all the bashing.
  3. Get these f'ers off the road. 74 years old? Why don't they have camera's in the buses to watch these people. Even a common EV car can detect a sleepy driver.
  4. I'd like to know where to donate English books, such as complete trilogy sets, novels, etc. Is there a Prison reading library? Not looking to make any money from this Hundreds of books.
  5. Interesting this article talks about alcohol and adolescents.. "The best analogy is with another drug – alcohol. Most people know that a 12-ounce beer is much less potent than 12 ounces of vodka. Cannabis in smoked form is closer to the beer, while a concentrate is more like the vodka. Neither is safe for an adolescent, but one is even more dangerous." Why not examine the effects of alcohol on adolescents too. Yet they still sell that..
  6. Interesting this article talks about alcohol and adolescents.. "The best analogy is with another drug – alcohol. Most people know that a 12-ounce beer is much less potent than 12 ounces of vodka. Cannabis in smoked form is closer to the beer, while a concentrate is more like the vodka. Neither is safe for an adolescent, but one is even more dangerous." Why not examine the effects of alcohol on adolescents too. Yet they still sell that..
  7. Anyone else here the standing guy say "he tried to kill us" ? Looks like the officer had his weapon out and in his own possession in one of the still shots. Will be interesting to follow this. But clearly the media has dubbed it another case of "bad bad foreigner"
  8. Anyone else here the standing guy say "he tried to kill us" ? Looks like the officer had his weapon out and in his own possession in one of the still shots. Will be interesting to follow this. But clearly the media has dubbed it another case of "bad bad foreigner"
  9. Interesting as I've seen videos and images from Suvarnabhumi as flooded and queues back into the hallways. Really hope they can fix this soon as i'm coming over for a vacation :)
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