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Everything posted by Chopinbkk

  1. I know for sure, from a friend working in a visa agent and event company, that those are not tourists. There is now a no. of traffickers, bringing in large groups of Russians under all sorts of visa - related scams. Corrupt 'facilitators' are having a field day ..... Such as Thai - language schools, Gyms (?) are full of Russians. But of course, the main group are Russians here working online for their Russian employers, just as before, still receiving their salaries in Russia etc. In I.T. it really often doesn't matter where you work from.
  2. 90% ignorants here! Why not through your beer / whisky etc. dealers in the same prison? Bunch of "Yesterday" Fascists here.
  3. No, I don't think this is an official drunk Russian troll. Those are well trained and much more skilled in their demagogy. He is just a hopeless drunk Russian, on the wrong side of history ....
  4. Because most of us have something like morals and ethics. If Thailand one day, gets 'raped' by a neighbour, it would expect assistance from all civilised nations, near or far. This has now - with your attitude - become less likely.
  5. I have a lot of spare time. But wasting it on Russia's trolls is not my thing. Good luck with your 'Fuehrer' in the Kremlin.
  6. Are you the last victim of Putin's propaganda? How long do you need to free yourself from the lies of this criminal?
  7. I just wait for the day when Thailand gets invaded by one of his neighbours (China, Vietnam ...?). The Thai army, only used to fight Thai students and citizens, will run like rabbits. And then? Who will shed a tear about occupied Thailand? Nobody, because Thailand did not care about the Russian crimes in Ukraine today. Thailand, one day, may have to pay a terrible price for its opportunistic stand today.
  8. That useless 'mask' discussion again. We Ferrang should just be courteous and polite. Hence do as 99% of our hosts do and wear the damn things in public. We are guest, thus let's behave and don't insist on rights etc. Anyone a problem? Go back to your 'freedom counties'.
  9. @ seedy: I understand that your pride for a small part (justice system) of your wonderful country was hurt. I respect your feelings! You are, however, defending a disgusting Thai legal system which is undefendable (I experienced that myself). And NO, in the West, when caught and exposed by a free press and an independent judiciary, Ministers resign and Presidents are impeached and kicked out of the White House .... etc. Justice is far from perfect in the (democratic) West, however, a lot better and safer than in most military dictatorships.
  10. I totally agree with you. I actually did it - here in Thailand (I broke the law but did not hurt anyone). It cost me TB 1.1 Mio. but I just walked off. However, in the West, I wouldn't have tried. Great lawyer or not. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE.
  11. I know some good ones too. After they set me up, they allowed me to pay ( 6 of them and their bait) TB 1.1 million which unfortunately I had at home. When I was driven back, these good people gave me TB 1000, so I could buy something to eat that night. So much kindness - don't you agree?
  12. Apart from all your valid views, I just wonder how and why my best Thai friends think the way they do about this very far away WAR. In spite of this classical war of agression, breaking all the UN basic rules, destroying the livelihood of millions and killing innumerable innocent Ukrainiens (and Russians), they still search for pseudo - arguments for all these crimes. These Thai friends of mine, who have '0' knowledge about foreign history, geography and current affairs, seem to have a bizarre opinion about that WAR. I cannot understand the Thai Government Propaganda on TV. Could this be the reason?
  13. I am a 67-year-old Ferang, living in Thailand with a 5 year "Privilege Visa" and a private health insurance which costs me ~ TB 120,000 /a., covering hospitalisation only. So now, after arriving from abroad, can I do all my medical needs within the 1st 30 days? Who will get the 1 Mio. should I die? Thanks.
  14. LAZADA is a total I.T. desaster (English). Their Head of I.T. should be fired. Jack Mah should read this thread. What a disgrace to ALIBABA!
  15. Biggest nonsense posted here on this subject. I am 67, with 2 condos in BKK, not a back packer but no A. Musk either 5555.
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