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  1. As long as they are "managed" , I could give a F!
  2. I hope these scumbags get "managed" in prison by some local Thai mafia guys.
  3. No problem for me, I respect this country as a guest and obey the rules. Not sure why some folks are unable to behave, but thanks to the Thai cops for sending a message.
  4. I do hope the tourist babe use the "bum gun" and soap. They tend to smell real bad, especially the women. God Bless Thai people, who are always clean and are not afraid of soap and water.
  5. Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do, when they come for you.....555555.
  6. Everytime she goes to the bathroom, she will ask this question, "Was that selfie worth it?".
  7. But, she was "entitled" to her selfie. The Dopamine rush to get that photo was more than anything on the planet. Common sense does not apply.
  8. Not my problem for her stupidity! OK!
  9. And? Is it our fault for her stupidity?
  10. I would piss my pants....and hope the shark take mercy on me.
  11. God, I hope the shark is ok. Very traumatic to have to interact with a moronic human.

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