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  1. Price is 300K at Naval Hospital and 370 at BHP. Includes angioplasty and stents.
  2. Yes, I have to get it done soon....this is my second stent operation. Several arteries blocked.
  3. Insurance is not an issue, because it is a pre-existing issue and not covered by Pacific Cross. I am interested in service and of course cost. I hear great things about both hospitals, thus the cheaper is preferred. Any input is appreciated. Thanks
  4. File a report ...I am sure the Thais are ready to respond.
  5. Devil's Herb.....Love it.....555555.
  6. I am Guilty....55555555. These babes are good at draining my brain.
  7. Hmmm, arguing at a cannabis shop...More Run. Hope you enjoyed your stay. Next time, just leave and go 30 yards to the next shop. God, he is so stupid.
  8. I am sure Kojack is on this case.....555555. No major loss here. Move on.
  9. I am sure they are in Pattaya in the gay section....try Soi 6/1.
  10. Please, let them go to Singapore and get caught....please!!!!!
  11. Invest in Thai Prison food, I hear there is a big rush to feed MoreRuns lately.
  12. There is a serious problem regarding the lack of females on that island. If there were enough tasty treats, no fights. The horny guys coming to phuket have no experience and this is going to get bad, unless it is fixed.
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