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Dont Panic

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Posts posted by Dont Panic

  1. I recently picked up a small bottle of Driclor in the uk. It contains a higher percentage of aluminium chloride than your average deoderant - stung like hell for the first couple of weeks. But now I never sweat under the arm....and before I would sweat even during the dead of a uk winter. Google it!

  2. It was 2 years ago I was on this site everyday looking for advice on a settlement visa, which took a very long 3 months to come through. I'm sure I remember the name chewy from those days. We are now in the process of applying for ilr. I thought it would be straightforward - glad I checked it out 2 mths before her visa is to expire! What concerns me is the documents you need to prove you have been living together - I hope we have enough!!! If it counts for anything, our 3rd daughter was born in the uk this year....jeez here we go again!

  3. What a travesty, army 900 generals, timid young conscrpts sent to the front line

    Police? we all know what the BiB do - collect money - nothing in it for them here.

    bangkok controlled by crazy thugs

    and I thought Songkran was bad in Pattaya - 2 weeks of mayhem

    Can anyone take anything seriously again here?

    BTW global menarse your words may be more prophetic than you realise - flangs always gat blamed

    when I saw that guy the first thing i said to my (Thai) wife was, 'what a k@£b'. She said' up to him. He must really love Thailand, not like u'. I wonder what percentage of Thai people share my wife's feelings?

  4. When moving back to the uk after 6 years in Thailand, I thought I would never give up my Thai traits because they felt so right. But I guess it's a case of when in Rome, because now a couple have disapeard. Those being; taking my shoes off when indoors, using tissue to clean my rear end. But I still eat Thai jasmine rice every day (with a fork and spoon) with some type of spicy curry (on the floor). And I think about the old place every single day.......don't think I'm Thai but the country made a lasting impresion.

  5. From 'No recourse to public funds' What does it mean?
    My partner is allowed to claim tax credits - can I claim them too?

    Claims for child and working tax credits are assessed jointly. If you are living with a spouse or partner who is allowed to claim tax credits, your name may be included in the claim.

    So, as you can see, this will not have an adverse effect on her leave to remain or any future application.

    thanks for the link. I did think that she would not be given something that she is noy allowed - all monies were paid to me but I had to give her details as I stated I was married. Thanks again....

  6. My (Thai) wife and i are now living in the uk. I got child tax credits today and on the paperwork it says that she has applied as well as myself. Although the money has been paid to me and that she has not worked for 5 years to take care of the children - does this make problems for her visa? I will be calling the tax office in the morning, but I was keen to hear any advise.....

  7. There has been hundreds of these threads and it always turns into a bitching contest of how much richer people ar nd how the <deleted> could some poor peasant live on a mere 200,000 bht, just spend what you think is right and dont worry what the Jones's next door are doing.

    wow 125,000 for rent

    that is ridiculous

    indeed, when u could rent a town house in a nice part of town for the same money, for a year. Or for a years rent u could build a house.

    Probably a troll anyway

  8. Have not read all posts, so this may have been covered already.....

    In the work place and at home, Thais are ruled by a strict hierarchy. 'Nong' is subservient to 'Pii' and so in the work place or at home, one should always be conscience of those elder and in a position of higher power or respect. When out and about on the street this hierarchy disappears. There is no longer any need to stoop or wai or for that matter hold a door open for someone. And if stopping abruptly in the street and turning around suddenly annoys a member of the public (farang or not) – well what does it matter they are a stranger and not their mum or boss.

    Having said this it doesn't relieve the frustration much when things happen.

    Just my thoughts....


  9. One wonders about the motive for the poll.

    Just curiosity? to what end? Why would it matter? The curiosity will lead to what end?

    People bragging about their wife's pedigree like a bunch of Crufts dog show judges?

    There is certainly a bias, a prejudice, within both the foreign and the Thai communities, based on origins and skin tone.

    It is to be deeply regretted.

    My wife's racial origins are from within the human race.


    spot on......why!?

    Wow your wife is half Indian....wish mine was....or maybe half something that nobody else has mentioned...

  10. My wife put her application in on 13/05........looking at previous applications, which week do you think she will get a response?

    Well thats difficult but here goes

    If you are treated same Chewy then dont hold your breath, normal time i would estimate 5th Aug to 12th aug

    but i would think that things should speed up so i would say 29th july.

    These are estimates so sit back grab a coffee1.gif dont panic aand keep an eye on the chart

    cheers for that.....

  11. to make their job at the embassy as easy as possible, is there a specific order they would prefer the documents to be compiled? e.g page 1 of the file - applicants ID 2. marriage certificate etc

    I will be writing a cover letter - is there a prefered format for this, to make everything as clear as possible?


  12. In addition to the above.

    As soon as she arrives, start putting her name on your utility bills. Open a bank account, get her on at the Doctors, National Insurance Number etc. Basically, try to get her name on as many "official" documents as you can and save all the correspondence in a file. I cannot stress enough, the importance of having these in 2 years time, when you apply for ILR.

    Good luck.

    What will she need to open a bank account, get a NI number etc?

    Will she need a translation of her birth certificate and ID card?


  13. My two daughters are younger and wherever we go they will get a lot of attention. What annoys me is that it is only because of their skin colour……this is racism and I hate it. How will they be treated at school when they’re older? I’m guessing if they go to Thai school, they will be treated quite differently from the other Thai kids – and I’m guessing the extra attention will lead to jealousy from the other kids.

    Back to the topic I find it hard not to be annoyed when someone steps in front of me when I’m carrying my baby and asks if they can ‘um noi’.

    I just ignore and walk off.

    I would feel like a t_at if I did that to a Thai mum or dad and their kid

  14. For me it goes by the name ‘arse blaster’ but for most it’s that hose pipe by the side of the toilet. I know a fair few expats who scoff at the idea of using one – and back in the UK it is practically a laughing matter, as if using water to clean yourself is something that only a savage would do. I will be relocating back to the UK soon with the family and on arrival I will be installing hoses in every bathroom in my house.

    So the question is – to hose or not to hose?

  15. Hi D P House Deeds In paper form have been disgarded in the UK

    All Property Deeds in the UK Now held on Computer and allocated A Ref No

    This Came in to Effect 2005.

    The Old Paper Deeds are only of Historical interest

    you can throw them away if you hold them Up To You

    Only the Passport holder that requires A visa will need to leave the passport.

    Sponser will be required to submit copy of His/Hers

    So at the VAC they check the original passport against just an ordinary photocopy, or a certified copy??


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